The effect of eldoa alone and eldoa with core muscle strengthening to treat pain in patients with pivd: A comparative interventional study Haleema Bibi, Fatima Umber Online published on 4 September, 2021. Abstract This study was done to determine the effect of ELDOA alone versus ELDOA with core muscle strengthening to treat pain in patients with PIVD.Study is done on 30 females randomly placed in two groups; group A (ELDOA with core muscle strengthening) and group B (ELDOA alone).The Numeric Pain Rating Scale was used as outcome measures. All the patients were assessed at baseline before intervention and at the completion of 6 weeks of treatment. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. The patients treated with ELDOA combined with core muscle strengthening improved pain (Mean NPRS pre =7.13, post =3.40), Mean difference of NPRS visit 1 and NPRS week 6 for group A was 1.73 and mean difference of NPRS visit 1 and NPRS week 6 for group B was 0.93. Test statistics shows that Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z test value for NPRS of both groups at week 6 is .365 and p-value is .999 which is greater than .05. It is concluded that Group A and group B participants reported decrease in pain intensity on NPRS at week 6. So technique applied on group A participants (ELDOA with Core Muscle Strengthening) and the technique applied on group B participants (ELDOA alone) were effective in the management of pain. Study also strongly suggests that there was no significant difference between the effectiveness of techniques on reducing intensity of pain on NPRS so that null hypothesis was accepted. Top Keywords Pain, Core Muscle Strengthening, ELDOA, Posterior, Intervertebral Disc. Top | |
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