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Indian Journal of Poultry Science
Year : 2015, Volume : 50, Issue : 3
First page : ( 239) Last page : ( 243)
Print ISSN : 0019-5529. Online ISSN : 0974-8180.

Influence of sires’ microsatellite genotype on pre-housing body weights and mortality in Rhode Island Red chicken

Yadav Ramji, Kumar Sanjeev*, Rahim Abdul, Debnath Jowel, Bhanja S.K.1

Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Division of Avian Genetics and Breeding, ICAR-Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar-243 122 (UP)

1PHM Section ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar-243122 (UP)

*Corresponding author: e-mail: skgcari@yahoo.co.uk


Molecular markers are increasingly being used in the selection for genetic improvements of body weight and other economic traits in chicken as well. Present study was carried out to determine the influence of sire's genotype at growth-associated ADL0176 microsatellite locus in Rhode Island Red chicken. Having genotyped 114 birds, comprising of 86 females and 28 males, for ADL0176 microsatellite, a total of 11 males, two belonging to BB, six to CC and three to DD genotypes were selected for mating. Four females of same homozygous genotype were assigned to each of these males. Chick weight (CW) and body weights at 2 (BW2), 4 (BW4), 6 (BW6), 8 (BW8), 10 (BW10), 12 (BW12), 16 (BW16) and 20 (BW20) weeks of age were recorded on 224 chicks in four hatches. Least squares ANOVA revealed significant effect (P<0.05) of genotype of sire at ADL0176 microsatellite locus on chick weight only. The overall least squares means (in grams) of CW, BW2, BW4, BW6, BW8, BW10, BW12, BW16 and BW20 were 34.36±0.72, 84.26±2.37, 184.49±5.44, 62.13±9.92, 574.37±15.90, 773.37±21.84, 1010.81±27.44, 1447.34±46.05 and 1808.59±42.10 g, respectively. Highest chick weight (35.50±0.46 g) was observed in the progeny of sire having CC genotype followed by those of sire having BB genotype (34.49±2.05) at ADL0176 microsatellite locus, although the difference wasnot significant (P>0.05). Chick weight was lowest (33.09±0.52 g) in progeny of sire with DD genotype. The percent mortalities in the progenies of various genotypes of sire at ADL0176 in three periods viz., 0–8, 9–16 and 17–20 weeks of age revealed highest mortality in 0–8 and least mortality in 9–16 and 17–20 weeks of age in the progeny of sire having DD genotype as compared to progeny of sires with CC and BB genotypes. Overall the progeny of sire having CC genotype at ADL0176 locus demonstrated higher chick weight and reasonably satisfactory mortalities up to 20 weeks of age. The study suggested possible role of genotype of sires at ADL0176 microsatellite locus and its utilization in selection program for improvement of chick weight and mortalities in chicken.



ADL0176 microsatellite, body weight, chicken, Rhode Island Red.


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