Effect of pre cooking and spices on quality characteristics of dehydrated spent hen meat mince Kharb R., Ahlawat S.S.* Deptt. of Animal Products Technology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004 (Haryana). *Corresponding author: e.mail - ahlawatss9@gmail.com
Abstract A study was conducted to find out the effect of precooking and spice mix on chemical and physico-chemical properties of dehydrated spent hen meat mince during storage at ambient temperature (27±2°C). Raw and precooked meat mince (with and with out spice mix) were dehydrated at 60°C for 12 hrs and 9 hrs, respectively. Precooking increased the per cent protein content. Fat content decreased due to precooking but spice mix slightly increased the fat level. The pH, rehydration capacity and TBA value (mg malondehyde/gm) increased in pre-cooked samples. Spice mix treatment reduced the TBA value significantly in both raw and pre-cooked samples and it gradually increased during the storage up to 60 days with a highest score in pre-cooked sample with out spice mix. Rehydration capacity decreased due to spice mix on 0 day but on 60th day of storage the effect of spice mix on rehydration was insignificant in pre-cooked meat mince. On the basis of the findings, it is concluded that pre-cooked spent hen meat mince treated with 2% spice mix retains the most desirable physico-chemical properties up to 60 days of storage at ambient temperature(27±2°C). Top Keywords Spent hen meat, dehydrated, precooking, spices, quality characteristic. Top | |
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