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Indian Journal of Poultry Science
Year : 2005, Volume : 40, Issue : 2
First page : ( 169) Last page : ( 174)
Print ISSN : 0019-5529.

Development and shelf-life of egg crepes as influenced by packaging and storage

Pandey N.K., Yadav A.S.

Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122 (UP)

Received:  16  July,  2004; Accepted:  28  January,  2005.


Physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory quality of 3 egg crepe formulations containing 50 (I), 60 (II) and 70% (III) liquid whole egg and 50, 40 and 30% paste mix of white rice and dehusked black gram splits (2.5:1), respectively were evaluated and shelf-life of most acceptable crepe was determined at refrigerated (4 ±1° C) and frozen (−18 ±1° C) temperatures in vacuum and aerobic packaging. No difference was observed in cooking yield, moisture and total protein contents between blends, but ether extractable lipids and pH increased as the percent egg added was increased in the formulation. Microbiological quality of crepes was found satisfactory with low aerobic counts (log 2.222.51/g) and complete absence of coliforms and staphylococci. Organoleptically, the crepes from blend II had the best flavour and texture and were most acceptable. Storage studies showed progressive increases in weight loss and TBA values with storage time, but changes were slower in vacuum than in air packaging and at frozen than at refrigerated storage. Aerobic counts increased during refrigerated storage, while the counts decreased during frozen storage. The overall acceptability ratings declined with storage time irrespective of packaging and storage conditions but the vacuum packed crepes were consistently preferred over air-packed samples and remained organoleptically acceptable and microbiologically satisfactory for up to 22 and 20 days in vacuum and air packs respectively at refrigerated and up to 60 days at frozen storage.


Key words

Egg crepe, formulation, quality evaluation, shelf-life, packaging.


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