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Indian Journal of Poultry Science
Year : 2004, Volume : 39, Issue : 2
First page : ( 131) Last page : ( 135)
Print ISSN : 0019-5529.

Growth performance and carcass traits of broiler chickens as influenced by feeding of finger millet

Tyagi Pramod K., Mandal A.B., Elangovan A.V., Ktyagi Praveen, Johri A.K., Kaur Sarabmeet

Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122 (UP).

Received:  27  August,  2003; Accepted:  15  July,  2004.


Day-old broiler chicks (n=150) were randomly distributed into 15 groups of 10 chicks each. Five dietary treatments (maize-soya based control diet-D1 and 4 test diets incorporating finger millet or ragi (Eleucine coracana) at 25,50,75 & 100% of maize in diets D2-D4 at fixed calorie-protein-ratio) were formulated for 0–4 weeks starting and 4–7 weeks finishing periods. Each dietary treatment was offered to three groups of chicken reared in battery cages from day-old to 7 weeks of age. All the birds received similar management practices except the dietary treatments. The feed intake and body weight gains were recorded weekly. A metabolic trial was also held during sixth week of age to assess the energy metabolizability and nitrogen retention of the chicks. At the end of the trial, eight birds was randomly selected from each treatment and sacrificed to evaluate carcass traits. Results indicated that finger millet could be used at lower level in broiler diet replacing not more than 25% of maize. Critical analysis of data revealed that the test cereals depressed growth in starting phase when used at higher level but had no or little growth depressive effect during finishing phase. Thus, the finger millet can safely be used in part (about 15% w/w in diet) replacing 25% of maize in the diet of broiler chickens.


Key words

Broilers, finger millet, growth performance, carcass traits, economics.


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