A Simple Approach to the Identification of Shoot-Fly Tolerance in Sorghum Maiti R. K., Physiologists, Bidinger F. R., Physiologists Sorghum Improvement Program at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT Centre,Patancheru, 502 324, India Abstract Approximately 8000 lines of world sorghum germ plasm collection were screend for seedling trait resistant to short fly Atherigona soccata Rond—a serious pest of sorghum. Most of the genotypes having resistance to shoot fly showed the presence of trichomes on abaxial surface of the leaf. These trichomed cultivars had distinctive characteristics, which were evident only in the first 3 weeks leaves tended to be more errect and narrower, with a yellowish green glossy appearance, which is termed as ‘glossy trait’. These two traits are good tools in selecting germ plasm for shoot fly resistance. Top | |
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