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Indian Journal of Plant Protection
Year : 1994, Volume : 22, Issue : 2
First page : ( 145) Last page : ( 147)
Print ISSN : 0253-4355.

Incidence and Severity of Mealy Bug Associated With Mulberry Leaf Curl (Tukra) in Tamil Nadu

Baskaran P., Ramanujam K., Muralikumaran C., Radhakrishnan N.V.

Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, 608002, Tamil Nadu

Received:  29  April,  1993; Revised:  5  October,  1994.


Incidence of Tukra disease associated with mulberry mealy bug, Maconellicoccus hirmtus (Green) is spreading fast in various regions. In the absence of adequate data, it was difficult to assess the extent and impact of this disease in sericulture in Tamil Nadu. Therefore, a statewide survey on the incidence and severity of this disease was initiated during August 1991, July 1992. Ten mulbery farms were selected at random in each district. Data were recorded on % affected plants, number of affected branches and leaves/plant, number of affected leaves with mealy bugs, and presence of coccinellids. The percentage disease index (PDI) was calculated for each district. Highest disease incidence was in Periyar district (63.12% with 12.06 PDI) and the least in Dharmapuri district. Disease severity was low in Tanjore district. Incidence of mealy bugs on leaves showing Tukra symptoms was highest in Periyar and lowest in Tanjore districts.


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