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Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy - An International Journal
Year 2019, Volume-13, Issue-4 (October-December)
Print ISSN : 0973-5666
Online ISSN : 0973-5674

Table of contents RSS Feed

Effect of Two Different Kinesio-Taping Techniques on Pain, Strength & Knee Function in Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis: A Comparative Study
Amita Aggarwal, Gurjit Singh, Tushar J. Palekar, Shivani Deshmukh, Purva Paranjape, Tejashree Rao

Effects of Six Weeks Sprint Specific Plyometric Training on Gait Variables of Sprinters
Amrinder Singh, Achal Choudhary, Shweta Shenoy, Jaspal Singh Sandhu

Comparative Analysis of Developmental Milestones in Normal Children in the Age Group of 6 Months to 36 Months from Low-Income Group and High-Income Group: A Pilot Study
Anu Arora, Priyanshi Domadia

A Comparison between Kinesio Taping and Medial Arch Support Combined with Exercises in Adult Flatfoot-An Experimental Study
Basavaraj Motimath, Sarwath Parveen, Dhaval Chivate

Effect of Hippotherapy Simulator on Spasticity in Children with Cerebral Palsy (A Quasi-experimental Pilot Study)
C. Hemachithra, N. Meena, R. Ramanathan, A.J.W. Felix

A Study to Find Out the Effect of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Chronic Musculoskeletal Conditions-A Systematic Review
Chirag P. Solanki, Rahul M. Chhatlani

Effect of Task-Specific Training for Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Divya Gohil, Jyoti Vishwakarma, Gaurang Baxi, Tushar Palekar

Physiotherapy and Its Implications on Functional Disability in a Child with Leigh's Syndrome: An Interesting Case Report
Feba Sara Oommen, Kovela Rakesh Krishna

Immediate Effect of Diaphragmatic Myofascial Release in COPD Patient
Gauri Subhash Asawadekar, Aashirwad Mahajan

Effect of the Traditional Toys Exercises as an Adjunct to Hand Therapy Following Post-Traumatic Forearm Bone Fracture in Children
Gayatri Ramesh Patane, Smita Bhimrao Kanase, Khushboo Jyotindra Bathia, Chandrakant Babaso Patil

Effect of Smartphone Usage on Cognition and Balance in Geriatric Individuals
Rajneeet Kaur Sahni, Gurpreet Kaur, Harpreet Singh

Effect of Passive Stretching v/s Myofascial Release in Improving Piriformis Flexibility in Females-A Comparative Study
Hiya A. Kukadia, Ajay Malshikare, Tushar J. Palekar

A Study on the Effects of Kinesio Taping on Planter Flexor Spasticity, Balance and Functionality in Chronic Stroke Condition
Kinjal Patel, Saravanan Murugan, Rajiv D Limbasiya

A Study on Prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Obese Individuals and Electrophysiological Assessment in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Cases
Kosada Hemaxi, Saravanan Murugan, Rajiv D Limbasiya

A Pilot Study of Randomized Clinical Controlled Trail on Role of Physiotherapy on Physical and Psychological Dimensions of Sexual Health in Post Stroke Patients
Krishna Reddy Vajrala, Gowrishankar Potturi, Anjali Agarwal

Child Behavioral Problem and its Relationship with Parenting Stress of Mothers of Cerebral Palsy Children and Autistic Children
Kshanaprava Mohakud, Rama Kumar Sahu, Soumya Ranjan Dash, Surjeet Sahoo

Management of Low Back Pain Through Ball and Balloon Activity in Peri-Menopausal Women: A Community Based Pilot Study
Nirupma Singh, Rashida Begum, Aisha Perveen

Comparison of Cardiovascular Fitness in Elite and Recreational Runners Using Multi Stage Shuttle Test: A Pilot Study
Niyati Desai, Richa Desai

Association Between Smartphone Addiction and Sleep Quality along with Objectively Measured Sleep
Pranjal Prakash Sonawane, Aashirwad Mahajan, Chaitali Sanjay Shinde

Effect of Different Density Foams on Balance Training in Geriatric Population-A Comparative Study
Prashant Naik, Tejas Mayenkar

A Nonrandomized Trial of Comprehensive Body Mechanics for Staff Nurses with Low Back Pain and Disability
S. Sai Sruthi, A Seethalakshmi, J M Jency

Effect of Task Oriented Activity Training on Improving Balance and Self Efficacy in Sub Acute Stroke
Sakina Katerawala, Ravi Shah, Murugan Sarvanan

Effect of Modified Dynamic Orthosis on Foot Drop in Stroke
Sameer S. Karpe, Kashinath Sahoo, Suraj B. Kanase

Comparison of the Effect of High Voltage Pulsed Current v/s Interferential Therapy on Pain and Womac in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Sanjeev Kumar Singh, Ronika Agrawal, Razik Akbani

The Effects of Kinesio Taping and Isometric Exercises on Pain in Primary Dysmenorrhea-A Comparative Study
Shamla Pazare, Lekha Sawant, Shweta Ingale

Effect of Rhythmic Stabilization Exercise v/s Conventional Physiotherapy on Pain and Disability with Patients of Chronic Mechanical Low Back Pain
Sanjeev Kumar Singh, Naushin Khan, Ronika Agarwal

Comparison of Sensory Threshold in Healthy Adult Feet Using Semmes Weinstein Monofilament: A Cross Sectional Study
D Smitha, Muhammed Arshad

Comparison of Respiratory Function in Smokers and Non-smokers Using Peak Flow Meter: A Cross-Sectional Study
Snehal Patel, Nidhi Parmar

Comparative Study of Percussor vs Hand Held Vibrator in the Treatment of Myofascial Trigger Point on Upper Trapezius Muscle
Soumik Basu, Komal Vaidya, Tushar J. Palekar, Gaurang Baxi, Shilpa Khandare

Matrix Rhythm Therapy as a Part of Early Intervention in Burn Patients to Improve their Quality of Life: A Systematic Narrative Review
Tavreen Kaur Jassal, Sunanda Bhowmik, Joydip Saha, Kavita Kaushal

A Correlational Study of Grip Strength Using Handheld Dynamometer and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment Score in Asymptomatic Bank Employees
Sachin Etam, Tanvi Parab

Effects of Neural Mobilization on Electrophysiological Measures-A Quasi Experimental Design
J Upadhyay Sweta, K Patel Kaushikkumar, Birhade Ruchika, Panchal Anisha, Shah Foram

Unstable Surface is More Effective than Stable Surface to Improve Trunk Control in Post-Stroke Patients
Vidhu Varshney, Neha Gupta

Wearing Out Pattern of Sports Shoes and Muscle Imbalance in Lower Limb among Athletes-A Correlation Study
Basavaraj Motimath, Vivekanand B Neelgund, Dhaval Chivate

Effects of Shoe Height on Footwear Comfort, Physiological Cost Index and Cardiorespiratory Indices among Young Female Adults in University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus
Adaora Justina Okemuo, Chidiebele Petronilla Ojukwu, Peace Chiamaka Onodu, Chigozie Ikenna Uchenwoke

Effect of Aerobic Exercises and Resistance Exercises on Inflammatory Biomarkers and Fatigue in People Living with HIV Infection Undergoing Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy; A Systematic Review
Ikechi I. Nwaka, Chinelo N. Onwunzo, Ugochukwu Ezeakunne, Antoninus O. Ezeukwu, Uchechukwu A. Ezugwu, Uchenwoke I. Chigozie, Ebuka Miracle Anieto

Elderly on the Move: Level, Barriers, and Motivation to Physical Activity
Kew Jing Wen, Hernan Cortez Labao

Variation in Spatio-Temporal Gait Parameters among Patients with HIV-Related Neurocognitive Impairment
Martins C Nweke, Aderonke O Akinpelu, Charles I Ezema

Strength and Functional Deficits Following Total Hip Replacement in Individuals with Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head
Ananya Mehta, Neha Mukkamala, Niketa Patel, Lata Shroff Parmar, Paresh Golwala

The Effectivity of Dry Needling and Friction Massage Application on Pain Scale Changes in Upper Trapezius Myalgia Patients
Djohan Aras, Ibtisam Mangputri Al-Ihsan, Erfan Sutono

HIV/AIDS Control Program in Health Office of Jayawiya District: Empowerment and Logistic Study
Theresia Falentina Resubuna, Darmawansyah, Muhammad Tahir Abdullah, Ridwan Amiruddin, Syamsuar Manyullei

Effect of a Single Bout Interval Aerobic Exercise on Blood Glucose Level in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Charles I Ezema, Chukwuka K Okwuchukwu, Charity N Amarachukwu, Martins C Nweke, Chinwe Obiekwe, Christian I Okafor, Godfrey C Okoye

Effectiveness of Neuromuscular Therapy and Active Release Technique in Young Adults with Piriformis Tightness
Junaid C. Mujawar, Khushboo Chotai, Smita Kanase, Amrutkuvar Jadhav

Effects of Bilateral Upper Limb Task Training on Upper Limb Function in Acute Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Ancy Easow, Purusotham Chippala


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