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International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing
Year : 2017, Volume : 3, Issue : 2
First page : ( 16) Last page : ( 18)
Print ISSN : 2394-9465. Online ISSN : 2395-180X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2395-180X.2017.00015.9

Prevalence, Awareness and Effects Of Nomophobia among Adolescents

Menezes Preeti Maria1, Pangam Shubhangi2

1M. Sc, Clinical Instructor, Hinduja College of Nursing, Emerald court, D-wing, Kondivita Lane, Marol Pipeline, Andheri East, Maharashtra

2Professor, P.D. Hinduja College of Nursing, Emerald court, D-wing, Kondivita Lane, Marol Pipeline, Andheri East, Maharashtra

Online published on 11 October, 2017.



Addiction is considered by WHO (WHO Expert Committee 1964) as dependence, as the continuous use of something for the sake of relief, comfort, or stimulation, which often causes cravings when it is absent.


To study the prevalence, awareness and effects of nomophobia among adolescents

Materials and Method

Total 205 adolescents from 2 random schools were included in the study using non probability convenient sampling. They were administered a standardized tool to screen for nomophobia. Adolescents with nomophobia were administered standardized checklist to identify the effects of nomophobia. Semi structured checklist was used to assess the awareness about nomophobia and its ill effects.

Results In this study 54 (26%) adolescents were Nomopobic and 130 (64%) were at risk of developing Nomophobia. Adolescents with nomophobia (26%) perceived they were uncomfortable (16%), anxious (16%), worried (12%), annoyed (15%), scared (15%), awkward (11%) and nervous (15%). Out of 205, 58 of them were aware about the term nomophobia and 139 of them thought about the ill effects. 70 of them were unaware about ill effects of nomophobia, whereas 115 of them were partially aware.


The result of the study is indicative of increasing prevalence of Nomophobia among younger generation. Further research is required to investigate more in depth the psychological aspects and solutions for nomophobia.



Mobile Phones, Nomophobia, Adolescents.


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