Teacher Effectiveness and Adjustment in Relation to Organizational Politics in Bhutan Kaur Kamalpreet1, Wangchuk Thinley2 1Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India 2Research Scholar, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India Online published on 2 February, 2019. Abstract The aim of this paper was to explore teacher effectiveness and adjustment in relation to organizational politics ’. The study was geared towards fnding the levels of teacher effectiveness, adjustment, and perception of teachers ’towards organizational politics and comparing male and female secondary school teachers on these variables. Further, it was aimed at examining the relationship among three variables. The study revealed that effectiveness and adjustment of teachers and their perception towards organizational politics is independent of their gender. Also, the results brought into light that teacher effectiveness has very low correlation with organizational politics. Teacher adjustment however has moderate and negative correlation with organizational politics. Top Keywords Teacher Effectiveness, Teacher Adjustment, Organizational Politics. Top | |
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