Sociodemographic the characteristics of “Slum and Urban area” Customer behavior depot and identification of escherchia coli with RT-PCR by gen EF-Tu Baharuddin Alfina1,2,*, Daud Anwar3, Abdullah Thahir4, Hatta Mochammad5 1Department of Environmenytal Health, Muslim University of Indonesia 2Postgraduate School Students Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University 3Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University 4Department Reproductive Health; Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University 5Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University *Corresponding author: Alfina Baharuddin, E-mail:
Online published on 7 December, 2018. Abstract Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) Is a process that takes place in the presence of an additional cycle namely the change of RNA to cDNA (complementary DNA) using the Reverse Transcriptase enzyme.. EF-Tu is a prokaryotic prolongation factor that plays a key role in genetic translation by connecting with aminoacylated tRNAs that carry amino acids to the ribosome. The purpose of this study was to identify the EF-Tu Bacteria Escherchia coli gene in refill drinking water. The research design was observational with quasy experiment method. As for the sample, there were 5 depots in the Mario district (slum are) and in Panakkukang district (urban area) with a total sample of 30 samples measured on inlets, processes and outlets. Boom DNA extract method, DNA amplification by RT-PCR, PCR product detection, the results obtained in the form of RNA black band pattern (RNA band) where the electrophoresis results obtained RNA band (RNA band) at 470 bp. The result show that sifgnificant relationship between customer behavior and depot on quality measurement of refill drinking water. RT-PCR on EF-Tu gene can be used to detect bactery Escherchia coli quickly and more accurately the results obtained. Top Keywords EF-Tu, RT-PCR, Escherchia.coli. Top |