Comparison among the EMG Activity of the Anterior Deltoid and Medial Deltoid During Two Variations of Dumbbell Shoulder Press Exercise Raizada Shiny1, Bagchi Amritashish2 1Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Santa Cruz East, Mumbai, India 2Assistant Professor, Symbiosis School of Sports Sciences, Symbiosis International University, Lavale, Pune, India Online published on 29 December, 2017. Abstract Objective To analyze the muscle activation of anterior and medial deltoid muscles while performing two different grip variations of dumbbell shoulder press. Methodology Ten healthy male participants (age = 20.9 ± 1.449 years, height = 1.71 ±.038 m, weight =69.65 ± 2.92 kg) from Lakshmi Bai National Institute of Physical Education (Gwalior, M.P, India) were recruited as a sample of the study. The participants performed 5 repetitions of two different grip variations of dumbbell shoulder press. The exercises were Arnold Dumbbell Press (ADP) and Overhead Dumbbell Press (ODP). Surface Electromyography (SEMG) was used to record the muscle activation and for measuring muscle electrical activity that occurs during muscle contraction. Results Paired t-test was used to detect mean differences between the two variations of dumbbell shoulder press. It was found that Anterior and Medial Deltoid muscles were more active while performing ADP (AD-1346.4292.495; MD-827.5 146.426) as compared to ODP (AD-1043.4 141.299; MD-725.4 100.4). Also while performing both the exercises, the muscle activation of anterior deltoid was found to be much higher than Medial Deltoid. Conclusions Arnold dumbbell press was more effective exercise for the activation of Anterior and Medial deltoid muscles as compared to the Overhead Dumbbell Press. Anterior deltoid acts as primary muscle while performing both the exercises, as the muscle activation is much higher as compared to medial deltoid. Top Keywords Anterior Deltoid, Dumbbell shoulder press, Electromyography, Medial Deltoid and Muscle. Top |