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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 2
First page : ( 450) Last page : ( 455)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.00332.2

Spore-Forming Bacteria in Honey

Lutpiatina Leka, Febriani Gita Indah, Kubarti Emalia, Dwiyanti Ratih Dewi

Medical Laboratory Technology, Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin, Mistar Cokrokusumo Street 4a, Banjarbaru, Indonesia

Online published on 8 March, 2019.


Honey can be contaminated with microorganisms, especially spore-forming bacteria. Bacteria that can survive in honey are Bacillus sp and Clostridium sp. This study aimed to determine the presence of Bacillus sp. and Clostridium sp. on Trigona and Apis bee honey and honey packs after 1 year of storage. Trigona sp. honey, Apis sp. honey was taken directly from the honeycomb located in Hulu Sungai Tengah and Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan. Honey packs were 2 types of honey supplements for children taken randomly as much as 6 packs, at a drugstore in the Banjarbaru market. Honey packs were examined in laboratory before and after storage for 1 year at room temperature. Laboratory tests were performed on samples with parameters of TPC (Total Plate Count), Bacillus sp., Clostridium sp., pH and moisture content. Results of research on Trigona honey found 50% of Bacillus sp., 10% of Clostridium sp.. Apis honey contained bacillus 50%, clostridium 5%. Honey packs before storage contained 83% bacillus, 33% clostridium, after 1 year storage bacillus 50%, clostridium 50%. It is recommended to research the germination inhibition factor of bacterial spores in honey.



Spore-forming bacteria, honey, Trigona sp, Apis sp.


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