International Journal of Physical Education Sports Management and Yogic Sciences
Master Rameshwar Dutt Sharma Educational & Charitable Trust
Print ISSN: 2231-1394
Online ISSN: 2278-795X
Number of issues per year: 4
Print frequency: Quarterly
Month(s) of publication: January, April, July and October
Description: Pesy is a referred International, Quarterly and Bi lingual Journal of Physical Education, Sports Management and Yogic Sciences. It promotes interdisciplinary perspective to discuss issues of National and International Significance. Its regular features include research book editorial correspondence. All the Research papers are subject to a double –blind referring process and are published on the recommendations of referees and discretion of the editor. As far as the Research papers are concerned, the views or statements expressed in the Research papers are solely of the author and the editor is not responsible for the same. 1. To provide a medium for the exchange of information and an opportunity for cooperation and development among various countries worldwide. 2. To promote the study of both and physical and mental aspect of physical education, sports management and yogic sciences by using the advances in scientific research results. 3. To establish a common foundation of theory based on the positive differences of various backgrounds. 4. To develop interest in the significant study of various researchers.
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