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Indian Journal of Crop Science
Year 2009, Volume-4, Issue-1&2 (December)
Print ISSN : 0973-4880
Online ISSN : 0974-4452

Table of contents RSS Feed


Transgenic Bt Crops : A Major Component of Integrated Pest Management – An Overview
S.V.S. Gopala Swamy, N.V.V.S.D. Prasad, N. H. P. Rao

Plant Metabolomics : Methodologies and Databases
H. C. Meher, K. R. Koundal

Plant metabolomics and its applications
H. C. Meher, K. R. Koundal

Research Papers

An electrophoretic analysis of the isozymes of malate dehydrogenase and peroxidase in different varieties of wheat
Vinod Kumar Dhatwalia, O.P. Sati, M.K. Tripathi, Varun Gupta, P.K. Chauhan

Wheat grain tyrosinase activity as an index of drought resistance
Ahmed Salih Khalaf

Studies on in vitro regeneration and kanamycin sensitivity in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cv. Poinsett
Nidhi Sharma, Meenal Rathore, N. K. Singh, R. Gothalwal, Zakwan Ahmed, Narendra Kumar

Earliness component analysis through diallel cross method
Iraj Bernoosi, Farshid Talat, Abdollah Hassanzadeh, Nabiollah Nemati, Zohreh Hosseininejad

Performance evaluation of Bt cotton hybrids
K. Kalaichelvi

Association analysis of grain yield with quality traits and other yield components in segregating population of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Anil Kumar, C. Vanniarajan, J. Ramalingam

Evaluation of IPM components against pod borer Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in chickpea Cicer arietinum L.
A.S. Yadav, R.C. Sharma

High frequency multiple shoot bud induction from whole cotyledons of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
P.N. Jayapadma, Sumangala Bhat, M.S. Kuruvinashetti

Heterosis studies in sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]
R.G. Sandeep, M.R. Gururaja Rao, Chikkalingaiah, B. N. Jagadeesh

Potential of Euphorbia heterophylla L. plant extract to prepare cheese
Satish V. Patil, Anant V. Patil, Rakesh K. Chandode, Avinash B. Khandagale, Bipinchandra K. Salunke

Determination of rice ratooning characteristics and yield as influenced by different agronomic practices
Hamid Reza Mobasser, Morteza Siavoshi, Davood Barari Tari, Ali Eftekhari, Hamid Pourkalhor

G × E interaction of late duration rice genotypes in different models and evaluation of adaptability and yield stability
S. Das, R. C. Misra, M. C. Patnaik

Integrating cultivars with reduced herbicide rates for weed management in maize
Gul Hassan, Sana Tanveer, Naqib Ullah Khan

Growth and yield attributes of sunflower influenced by foliar application of nitrobenzene
Kavita Agrawal, A. Guhey

The study of salt tolerance of Iranian barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes in seedling growth stages
Farhad Taghipour, Mohammad Salehi

Genetic variability studies in biparental mating populations of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon (Mill) Wettsd.)
K. Sivaprasad, O. Sridevi, P.M. Salimath

Genetic diversity analysis of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] accessions using molecular markers
M. Govindaraj, B. Selvi, S. Rajarathinam, D. Arun Prabhu

Genetic diversity in jatropha [Jatropha curcas L.]
M.R. Gururaja Rao, S. Ramesh, H.R. Prabuddha, A. Mohan Rao, E. Gangappa

Phenological analysis of forage quality in Astragalus effusus (Bunge)
A. Ranjbarfordoei, P. Van Damme, R. Samson, G. Zamani

Short communications

Identification of threshold level of horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum) in irrigated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
A. Senthil, C. Chinnusamy, G. Prabu Kumar, N.K. Prabhakaran

Effect of slow release nitrogen fertilizer on the growth and yield of tomato
Moolchand Singh, S. Prabhukumar, C. V. Sairam

Gene effects for yield in maize under different environmental conditions
Ajaz A. Lone, M.Z.K. Warsi

Comparative performance of rice-wheat cropping system under temperate Kashmir valley conditions
T. Mubarak, K.N. Singh

Varietal intervention of high yielding low altitude rice into mid altitudes : A case study for location specific technology development
T. Mubarak, M.A. Zargar

Effect of growth regulators on meristem tip development and in vitro multiplication of potato cultivar ‘Kufri Himalini’
Anoop Badoni, J. S. Chauhan

Comparative performance of system of rice intensification (SRI) and conventional methods of rice cultivation under Kashmir valley conditions
A. Hussain, M. A Bhat, Manzoor Ahmad Ganai, T. Hussain

Cloning of rd29A-CBF1 gene constructs in binary vector (pCAMBIA0390) for raising cold tolerant marker-free transgenic plants
Sanjay Mohan Gupta, Zakwan Ahmed, Narendra Kumar


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