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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2021, Volume : 9, Issue : 1
First page : ( 96) Last page : ( 100)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00024.7

Effect of a school based intervention on self esteem, body image, eating attitudes and behavior of adolescents with obesity in selected schools of Kerala - A pilot study

Paul Cebi1,*, Dr. Usha VK2

1Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, MOSC College of Nursing, Kolenchery, Kerala

2Principal, Govt. Nursing College, Kottayam, Kerala

*Corresponding Author E-mail: cebipaul87@gmail.com

Online published on 27 April, 2021.


Adolescence, by its very nature, is associated with weight gain, and many adolescents experience dissatisfaction with their changing bodies. This in turn leads to low self esteem and adoption of unhealthy and erroneous eating behaviors.


The study was conducted among 34 (17 each in intervention and control group) obese adolescents with age between 12 to 18 years, studying in two selected schools of Ernakulam district using a quazi experimental pre test post test control group design. Pretest was conducted among selected students by using Objectified body consciousness scale, Eating attitude test (EAT-26), ACRON Eating Disorders Inventory and Rosenberg’s self esteem scale. After the pretest, the obese adolescents in the intervention group was given the structured school based intervention program. The post test was conducted immediately after the last session of the intervention and 4 weeks following the intervention using the same tools.


The study result showed that there is a significant statistical difference between eating attitude scores of intervention and control group (p = 0.02). Similarly there was significant statistical difference in the eating behaviour, body image and self esteem scores too.


According to the findings of the present study, the school based intervention was effective in improving the eating attitude, eating behaviour and body image among adolescents with obesity. Hence the study concluded that school based interventions will serve as preventive interventions for eating disorder among adolescents with obesity.



Eating attitude, Eating behaviour, Body image, Self esteem, School based intervention.


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