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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2021, Volume : 9, Issue : 1
First page : ( 27) Last page : ( 32)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2021.00007.7

A descriptive study to assess the level of anxiety and attitude in returning back to school after lockdown due to covid -19 pandemic among GNM students studying at JSS School of nursing Chamarajanagar

Mrs. Madhu S1,*, Mr. Sathish D. K2, Mr. Kumar G Vinay3, Mr. Kumar Prasanna4

1Nursing Tutor, JSS School of Nursing, Chamarajanagara

2Nursing Tutor, Child Health Nursing Department, JSS School of Nursing, Chamarajanagara

3Principal, Community Health Nursing Department, JSS School of Nursing, Chamarajanagara

4Asso. Professor, Child Health Nursing Department, Bapuji College of Nursing, Davangere

*Corresponding Author E-mail: mpmadhumadhu4@gmail.com

Online published on 27 April, 2021.


Introduction Aims and Objectives

The study aim to assess the level of Anxiety and Attitude in returning back to School after lockdown due to Covid -19 pandemic among GNM Students studying at JSS School of Nursing Chamarajanagar.

Approach and Design

In this study An Exploratory Descriptive Survey approach was used.

Samples and Sampling Criteria

To Assess the level of Anxiety and Attitude among 70 GNM Students studying at JSS School of Nursing Chamarajanagar, selected by Non-probability, Convenient sampling technique. The level of Anxiety and Attitude measured by using Anxiety and Attitude rating scale.

Result: The findings of the study revealed that among 70 students 1(1.4%) student found to have no anxiety, 30(42.9%) student found to have mild anxiety, 23(32.9%) student found to have moderate anxiety and 16(22.9%) student found severe anxiety. Study revealed that among 70 students 8(11.4%) students have unfavorable attitude, 31(44.3%) students have moderately favorable attitude and 31(44.3%) students have favorable attitude. Study also shows that there is high positive correlation 0.701(0.00001) between level of anxiety and attitude.


The study finding suggest that there is a anxiety among the students in returning back to school. Psychological support-oriented programme should be arranged by government or non-governmental agencies. Also there should be proper Covid-19 safety measures should be taken according to guidelines and individual counselling should be arranged if necessary and faculty is to keep in touch with students to encourage and support them through this challenging period. We believe that providing psychological support and assurance can help in overcome anxiety and perform better in their studies.



Anxiety, Attitude, Lockdown, Covid -19, Pandemic, Chamarajanagar.


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