Knowledge and practice regarding Menstrual hygiene among school going adolescent girls of rural population Mary A. A. Jennifer Jothi* Asst. Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College of Nursing, SRIPMS, Coimbatore *Corresponding Author E-mail: juanitalois2008@gmail.com
Online published on 10 August, 2020. Abstract Puberty is the time when physical changes occur when a child transforms into an adult. Only few mothers explain to their daughters about puberty while others have less information about it. This study was to assess the knowledge and practice of adolescent girls with regard to menstrual hygiene. Questionnaire regarding knowledge on menstrual hygiene and practice was given. The results revealed that only 17% of girls had excellent knowledge and practice while, 23% had adequate knowledge and 27% of girls had poor knowledge. Top | |
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