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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 367) Last page : ( 370)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00078.2

Effectiveness of Pocket diary on Knowledge and Practices of Self-insulin administration among diabetic individuals

Mrs. Gawade Smita Sunil*

Sadhu Vaswani College of Nursing, 10–10/1, Koregaon Park Road, Pune-411001

*Corresponding Author E-mail: smita23282@gmail.com

Online published on 10 August, 2020.


Diabetes mellitus is a silent disease and is not recognized as one of the fastest growing threats to public health in almost all countries of the world. Diabetes has emerged as a major health care problem in India.1 Diabetes can be treated and its consequences can be avoided or delayed with diet, physical activity, medication as oral hypoglycemic agent and Insulin administration and regular screening. Multiple daily doses of insulin need to be injected to achieve glycemic control, which has been shown to be an essential condition to prevent acute and chronic complications of this disease mellitus. The most used instrument among the several available in the market to inject insulin is the disposable syringe. 2 Many research studies have assessed factor hindering self-insulin administration among diabetic individuals and identified that most of the diabetic individuals suffering with pain, bleeding at the site of injection and they are unaware about of vial temperature, rotation of injection site. They skipped insulin due to workload, travelling couldn't afford new syringe, pen and needles. 3 So researcher felt to assess the effectiveness of pocket diary on knowledge and practices of self-insulin administration among diabetic individuals. A quasi experimental research design and purposive sample technique used. Sample size was 30. Structured questionaries’ to assess knowledge and self-insulin administration procedure checklist was prepared for data collection. Researcher prepared self-explanatory pocket diary to teach steps of insulin administration, injection site care, complications, management of diabetes and disposal of insulin syringe. Pre-test conducted to assess knowledge and practices. Pocket diaries were used to explain safe self-insulin administration practices and post-test was conducted. Study findings shows that the, in pre-test of knowledge assessment of self-insulin administration 60% individuals had average knowledge, 27% individuals had poor knowledge, 13% individuals had good knowledge and in post-test 93% individuals had good knowledge, 7% individuals had average knowledge. In pre-test of practice assessment of self-insulin administration 67% individuals had good practices, 30% individuals had average practices, 3% individuals had poor practices and in post-test 100% individuals had good practices. Finding of the study will be helpful to create awareness related to self-insulin administration knowledge and practices on large scale by use of modern educational technology.



Self-insulin administration, hypoglycemic agent, hyperglycemia.


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