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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 341) Last page : ( 345)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2020.00073.3

A study to assess the effectiveness of Structured teaching programme on the knowledge of Hazards in plastic use among school children at Subash Memorial High School, Bangalore

Mrs. Prasad D. Grace1,*, Mr. Oliver Jincilin2, Mr. Gopichandran3

1Principal, Ph. D Research Scholar, Swatantra College of Nursing, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh

2Associate Professor, Noor College of Nursing, Bangalore

3Principal cum Professor, Noor College of Nursing, Bangalore

*Corresponding Author E-mail: patta_satyam@yahoo.com

Online published on 10 August, 2020.


The modern consumer is exposed to a wide variety of plastic and rubber products in his day to day life at home, school, work, shopping, recreation, play and transport. A large variety of toxic substances have resulted from untoward exposures by many different routes, oral, dermal, inhalational and parenteral. The health risk of plastic is more vulnerable and significantly amplified in children, whose immune and organ systems are developing. Some plastics contain harmful chemicals, which are used in the manufacturing of plastics to make them softer and more sensible and few additives may include lead, cadmium, pthalates, bisophenol-A and fungicides. The manufacture of waste materials released from these industries pollutes the air, land and water, and the workers who are exposed to these toxic chemicals. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on the knowledge of hazards of plastic use among school children and to associate the knowledge of plastic use with socio-demographic variables. The research design was pre-experimental, one group pre-test; post test design. The study was conducted at Subash Memorial High School, Bangalore, Karnataka. A total of 50 school children, were selected by probability random sampling technique. Data-collection was collected through structured questionnaire. Data obtained were tabulated and analyzed in terms of the objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. At pre-test, majority 25(50%) of the school children used plastic utensils to carry food while a minimum10 (20%) used aluminium and majority 47(96%) of the participants used plastic items in their homes while a minimum of 3(6%) didn't use any plastic items in their homes. The mean pre-test knowledge score revealed that 11(22%) had good knowledge, 30(60%) had average knowledge, and 9(18%) had poor knowledge and a maximum of 96% (48) of the study subjects had good knowledge in the post test. The post test knowledge score was significantly higher at 0.05 level of significance than the pre test knowledge score of the paired t-test at df (49) = 17.91 p< 0.05. This indicates highly significant improvement in the level of knowledge as two tailed probability is <0.05 and there was statistically significant association with their geographical background and there was no significant association between, knowledge of hazards in plastic use with age, sex, class, family income, mothers education, mothers occupation and type of utensils to carry food.



Effectiveness, STP, school children, knowledge, plastic, hazard.


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