Knowledge and attitude regarding Prevention and Management of Anemia among Antenatal Mothers Sumy P.J.1,*, Dr. Samson Rebecca2, Mrs. Jayasankari S.3, Ms. Mahalakshmi S.4, Ms. Revathy R.4, Ms. Sophia A.4, Ms. Jacob Jisha Susan4, Ms. Monika V.4, Ms. Suriyakala L.4, Ms. Thomas Sneha Dinah4, Ms. Abraham Soney Susan4, Dr Ravichandran5 1Asst. Professor, College of Nursing PIMS, Puducherry, India 2Research guide and Dean, College of Nursing PIMS, Puducherry, India 3Vice Dean and HOD Dept of OBG Nursing, College of Nursing PIMS, Puducherry, India 4Co-investigators, College of Nursing PIMS, Puducherry, India 5Lecturer Biostatistician, PIMS, Puducherry, India *Corresponding Author E-mail:
Online published on 3 June, 2020. Abstract Anemia is a widespread public health problem associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality, especially in pregnant women. It has multiple causes, both nutritional (vitamin and mineral deficiencies) and non-nutritional (infection) that frequently occurs. The most common contributing factors are iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency and vitaminB 12deficiencies. Anemia during Preganacy resulting from iron deficiency is considered as one of the top ten contributes to the global burden of diseases Objectives 1. To assess the level of knowledge and attitude regarding prevention and management of anemia among antenatal mothers.2. To determine the association between the level of knowledge and attitude regarding prevention and management of anemia among antenatal mothers with selected socio demographic variables Methods Data was collected over a period of one week in March 2019. Quantitative approach with descriptive design was used for the study. 64 Antenatal mothers who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected by purposive sampling. Data wascollected by using structured interview schedules to assess the knowledge regarding prevention and management of anaemia and 5 likert scale to assess the attitude regarding prevention and management of anaemia. Collected data was analysed using descriptive & inferential statistic Results The findings revealed that majority 33(51.6%) of antenatal mothers were in the age group of 18–24 years, 51 (79.7%) antenatal mothers were Hindus, 34 (53.1%) were primigravida, 33 (51.6%) antenatal mothers were in third trimester, 35 (54.7%) antenatal mothers were educated upto graduation, 57 (89.1%) antenatal mothers were home makers. In the present study, the level of knowledge regarding prevention and management of anemia among antenatal mothers reveals that most of the antenatal mothers (60.9%) had moderately adequate knowledge, 25% had inadequate knowledge and 14.1% had adequate knowledge. The level of attitude regarding prevention and management of anaemia among antenatal mothers reveals that 54.7% had desirable attitude, 45.3% had neutral attitude and none of them had undesirable attitude Conclusion The present study assessed the level of knowledge and attitude on prevention and management of anemia among antenatal mothers. The study findings reveals that only (14.1%) had adequate knowledge. The knowledge among the antenatal mothers has to be improved so we can reduce the rate of anemia among the antenatal mothers. None of them had undesirable Attitude. Top Keywords Knowledge, Attitude, Prevention, Management, Anemia, Antenatal mothers. Top |