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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 4
First page : ( 569) Last page : ( 576)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2019.00127.3

A Descriptive Study to assess the Knowledge and self Reported Practices regarding the health effects of sleep Deprivation and the Coping Strategies adopted by staff nurses working in selected hospitals at Kolar District with A view to develop An Information Booklet

Mr. Arun S.*

Lecturer, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Sambhram College of Nursing, Kolar Gold Field, Karnataka

*Corresponding Author E-mail: arun.mani17@gmail.com

Online published on 7 April, 2020.


Background of the study

A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and self reported practices regarding the health effects of sleep deprivation and the coping strategies adopted by staff nurses working in selected hospitals at Kolar District with a view to develop an information booklet.]


To assess the existing knowledge regarding health effects of sleep deprivation among staff nurses. 1 To assess self reported practices regarding the coping strategies adopted by staff nurses for sleep deprivation. 2 To find out the correlation between knowledge and practice. 3 To determine the association between knowledge and practice scores regarding sleep deprivation and coping. strategies adopted by staff nurses with their selected demographic variables. 4 To develop an information booklet on sleep deprivation and coping strategies for nurses.


A descriptive method was used to assess the knowledge and self reported practices regarding the health effects of sleep deprivation and its coping strategies. Structured knowledge questionnaire and self reported practice check list were used to collect data. Total 60 staff nurses were selected from selected hospitals at kolar district by using Convenient sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed and interpreted in terms of the objectives and hypothesis of the Study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the data analysis the level of significance was set at 0.05 level.


Among 60 staff nurses 55 (91.7%) had inadequate knowledge, 5 (8.3%) had moderately adequate knowledge and none of them had adequate knowledge. Among 60 staff nurses 47 (78.3%) had their maladaptive self care practices and 13 (21.7%) had their adaptive self care practices. There is a positive correlation (0.131) between knowledge and practice regarding health effects of sleep deprivation and coping strategies adopted by staff nurses, indicating increase in knowledge increases their good practice. None of the demographic variables show any significant association with knowledge regarding health effects of sleep deprivation and coping strategies adopted by staff nurses. But data shows that knowledge regarding health effects of sleep deprivation and coping strategies was better among higher age groups (30–39 years) when compared to lower age groups. None of the demographic variables show any statistically significant association with self reported practices except the years of experience (P-0.002*) regarding health effects of sleep deprivation and coping strategies. But data shows that practice was better among higher age group 30–39 years when compared to lower age groups.



Sleep Deprivation, Knowledge, Practice, Health Effects, Coping Strategies.


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