A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Optimal use of Antibiotics to prevent Bacterial Resistance among Mothers at Selected Community Area, Kollam Ms. Arya S.1, Ms. Raju Jubin1, Ms. George Jyothi1, Ms. Martin Loisa1, Ms. Jose Mariya1, Mrs. Jacob Athula Mary2,* 1BSc Nursing Students, Bishop Benziger Nursing, Kollam 2Nursing Tutor, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Bishop Benziger College of Nursing, Kollam *Corresponding Author E-mail: athulajacob@yahoo.in
Online published on 7 April, 2020. Abstract The present study entitled “A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding optimal use of antibiotic to prevent bacterial resistance among the mothers at selected community area, Kollam’’ was undertaken for partial fulfillment of degree of B. Sc. nursing at Bishop Benziger College of Nursing, Kollam which is affiliated to Kerala university of health sciences during the year 2017–2018. The objectives of the study were to assess the pretest knowledge regarding optimal use of antibiotics to prevent bacterial resistance among the samples, to determine the effect of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding optimal use of antibiotics to prevent bacterial resistance, to find the association between pretest knowledge and selected demographic variables. An experimental approach was used for this study. The sample comprised of 60 mothers residing in selected community area, Kollam. The tools used for data collection were structured knowledge questionnaire and planned teaching programme for assessing pretest and posttest knowledge. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result showed that majority of samples (45%) belonged to the age group in between 20–30 years, (25%) were in the age group in between 31–40 years, (15%) were in the age group below 20 years and (15%) were in the age group above 40 years. Most of the samples among the mothers (98%) were Christians and (1.66%) were Muslims. The samples among the mothers participated in this study (51.60%) belonged to nuclear family, (40%) belonged to joint family and (8.33%) belonged to one parent family. Most of the samples are among the mothers of children below 15 years, (60%) have two children, (30%) have one child and (10%) have more than two children. The samples among the mothers participated in this study have educational status of SSLC and below SSLC (65%), (28.33%) of them have educational status of degree, (5%) are pre degree and (1.66%) is in other category. Most of the mothers of children below 15 years have monthly income between Rs.2000–5000 (66.66%) and (33.33%) are in between Rs. 5001-10000. Most of the samples participated in this study use television (65%), (16.66%) uses newspaper and magazines, (3.33%) of them use radio and (15%) of them uses all above accessible mass medias. After the planned teaching program, the result of posttest shows that most of the samples (76.66%) attained excellent knowledge, (21.66%) got good knowledge, (1.66%) got average knowledge. It was analyzed that there is significant in posttest knowledge scores. So the planned teaching program of our study was effective. It was computed to determine the association between level of knowledge and selected demographic variables and it showed that age, religion, type of family, number of children, education status, monthly income, accessible mass media had no significant association with knowledge. Top Keywords Effect, Planned teaching program, Optimal use, Antibiotics, Bacterial resistance. Top |