Integrated Teaching of Health Professional Education Mr. Muniyandi S.* Associate Professor & HOD, Kasturba Nursing College, Sevagram, Wardha, 442102 *Corresponding Author E-mail: muniyandi4u@gmail.com
Online published on 6 February, 2020. Abstract Integration of curriculum is meant to make the teaching/learning activities meaningful; however, the interpretation of ‘integration’ varies in different institutions and among individuals. Integrated curriculum is also referred to as interdisciplinary teaching, thematic teaching and synergistic teaching. An integrated medical curriculum helps graduates to put together the learned facts so as to get the whole picture and adopt a holistic approach while treating a patient or planning a health care strategy1. Many Health care institutions find it hard to change their existing curriculum or develop a new integrated curriculum mainly because of lack of will, infrastructure and understanding the process of change. Main aim of integration is relating to staff development, establishing working groups, organizing the teaching/learning materials under themes and developing some innovative teaching/learning and assessment strategies, are the techniques that a teaching institution can use to change the existing curriculum to an integrated one or develop a new curriculum1. So Knowing about the different levels of integration and steps for developing an integrated curriculum can make it easier to integrate an existing curriculum or develop a new one2. Top Keywords Integration, Health care, curriculum, learning. Top | |
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