A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge regarding Sound Waves Regulating Systems (Radiation) in Mobiles and its Effects on Health among Engineering College Students in Selected Colleges (Boys and Girls) at Eluru, W.G. Dist., A.P. Mrs. Devi G.* Vice Principal, St. Joseph College of Nursing, Eluru, Andhra Pradesh *Corresponding Author E-mail: devivenki14@gmail.com
Online published on 16 March, 2019. Abstract A Descriptive Study To Assess The Level of Knowledge Regarding Sound Waves Regulating Systems (Radiation) In Mobiles And Its Effects On Health Among Engineering College Students In Selected Colleges (Boys and Girls) At Eluru. Objectives To assess the knowledge regarding sound waves regulating systems (Radiation) among engineering college students. To assess the magnitude of health effects among engineering college students with their selected demographic variables.
Hypothesis There will be a significant regarding mobile radiation and its effects on health among engineering college students. There will be a significant association between knowledge regarding mobile radiation and its effects on health among engineering college students with their selected demographic variables. The conceptual framework for the present study was based on modified-Becker's health belief model. The non experimental design and descriptive study was adopted. Cluster sampling technique, semi structured questionnaires and 100 samples were selected. The data collection was analyzed and interpreted using descriptive and statistics.
Top Keywords Non-Ionizing-is radiation that does not ionize an atom, Radiation-Emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, MHz-Mega Hertz (Unit of alternating current or electromagnetic transmission of the signal, Wi-Fi-Wireless Fidelity, TMS-Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Top | |
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