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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 1
First page : ( 60) Last page : ( 62)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2019.00012.7

A Study to assess the effectiveness of Information booklet on knowledge regarding Cord Stem Cell Banking among staff nurses in selected Hospitals

Ms. Pingale Dipali*

MGM New Bombay College of Nursing, MGM Educational Campus, Plot no 1 & 2, Sector 1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai-410209

*Corresponding Author E-mail: dipalipingale2512@gmail.com

Online published on 16 March, 2019.



Cord blood also known as placental and umbilical cord blood, is the left over blood present in the placenta and a section of umbilical cord after it has been cut after the birth of the baby and is rich in life saving stem cells. Cord blood is a unique product, rich in haemopoietic stem cells, that is currently used in the transplantation setting to restore haemopoiesis. It restores haemopoietic stem cell function in patients suffering from malignancies, bone marrow failure disorders and inherited metabolic and immunological disorders. The objectives of the study were 1. To assess the existing knowledge score regarding cord stem cell banking among staff nurses in selected hospitals. 2. To assess the effectiveness of information booklet on post test knowledge score regarding cord stem cell banking among staff nurses in selected hospitals.


A quantitative preexperimental and evaluatory research approach was used with one group pre-test post-test design to evaluate the effectiveness of the information booklet. This study was conducted on 60 staff nurses.


In pre-test, it was seen that, most of the staff nurses 37 (61.66%) had average knowledge, followed by 16 (26.66%) had poor knowledge and 7 (11.66%) had good knowledge regarding cord stem cell banking. In post-test, majority of the staff nurses 35 (58.33%) had excellent knowledge, followed by 15 (25%) had good knowledge, 7 (11.66%) staff nurses had average knowledge and 3 (5%) staff nurses had poor knowledge regarding cord stem cell banking.


The major findings revealed that information booklet enhanced the knowledge of the staff nurses on cord stem cell banking. The overall mean percentage of post-test knowledge scores of the staff nurses 96.1% is apparently higher than the overall mean percentage of pre-test knowledge score 36.3% and is significant at 0.05% level. Paired ‘t’=35.601, p<0.05 indicating that the information booklet was effective in gaining knowledge of the staff nurses on cord stem cell banking.



Effectiveness, Information Booklet, Knowledge, Cord Stem Cell Banking, Staff Nurses.


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