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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 1
First page : ( 55) Last page : ( 59)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2019.00011.5

Effectiveness of Chlorhexidine vs KMnO4 Oral care on Oral mucositis among Head and neck cancer patients admitted in Oncology ward at Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni Bk

Mr. Kate Ravindra B.1,*, Ms Jayasheela Heera2

1Clinical Instructor, Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaja's Institute of Nursing Education, Taluka Nashik, District Nashik, Maharashtra, India

2Professor, College of Nursing, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), Loni (Bk) Taluka Rahata, District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: ravikatepatil@gmail.com

Online published on 16 March, 2019.


Head and neck cancer in India has distinct demographic profile, risk factors, food habits, personal and family history. Many of the cancer patients receiving cancer treatment do have variety of health problems like Oral mucositis. Nurses play an important role in reducing the oral mucositis problems and improve the health status.


To determine the effectiveness of Chlorhexidine Vs KMnO4 oral care on oral mucositis.


True experimental study, where pre-test post-test design with control group approach was undertaken in Pravara Rural Hospital. The data were collected from 60 head and neck patients who were selected by sequential sampling technique and randomized in to experimental and control group (by using odd and even number method). The nurse investigator conducted a structured interview for 15 to 20 minutes to collect data and WHO oral mucositis scale was used to assess the oral mucositis grades. After the pre-test the nursing interventions (Chlorhexidine oral care in experimental group and KmnO4 oral care in control group) were implemented to the head and neck cancer patients from the day of admission to 4th week. The post-test was carried out on the day of follow up visit after 4th week of intervention. The data was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics wherever required.


It was found that before intervention the head and neck cancer patients (experimental group) had mean score (2.66±0.74) indicates ‘grade II’ oral mucositis whereas in control group patients had mean score (1.96±0.92) indicates ‘grade I’ oral mucositis. It was noted that after the nursing intervention (Chlorhexidine) the level of oral mucositis was significantly reduced the mean score was (1.73±0.82). It shows that the use of chlorhexidine for oral care helps in minimizing the oral mucositis i.e. from grade II to grade I. In control group the mean score was (1.26±0.66) it shows that the use of KmnO4 for oral care did not significant effect in reducing the level of oral mucositis.


The study outcome revealed that the nurse intervention (Chlorhexidine) was found to be effective in reducing oral mucositis among head and neck cancer patients than the KmnO4 in control group. It should be emphasized that nurse intervention should be practiced and used routinely for the head and neck cancer patients to have better outcome.



Chlorhexidine, KMnO4, Oral care, Oral mucositis, Head and neck cancer.


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