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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 4
First page : ( 338) Last page : ( 344)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2018.00082.0

Assess Association of Fear of Childbirth (FOC) among Primigravida Women with Labor Outcome in Selected Municipal Corporation Hospital

Ms Sonawane Mohini1, Ms Chinchpure Supriya2,*

1MSc Scholar Sadhu Vaswani College of Nursing, Pune, India

2Asst. Professor, Sadhu Vaswani College of Nursing, Pune, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: supriyachinchpure@gmail.com

Online published on 27 December, 2018.



Childbirth is a new experience to the primigravida women. childbirth is some women is a joyous relationship of hopes, together with a mass of fears and anxieties whether the baby will be normal and healthy; about their own reaction to labor and also about the attitude of people who will help and care for them. As the time for labor and delivery approaches there is usually heightened sense impending disaster. Labor is one of the great events in every women's life, it is an intense process that creates high level of emotional stress and anxiety for a women. During labor the mother needs lots of help for the realization and acceptance of labor as a normal physiological phenomenon. Labor pain is one of the most severe pains which has ever evaluated and its fear is one of the reasons women wouldn't go for natural delivery and even may complicate the labor process.

Objectives of the Study

To assess FOC among Primigravida women. To identify labor outcome among Primigravida women assessed for FOC. To evaluate association of FOC with outcome of labor among Primigravida women assessed for FOC.

Research Methodology

Non-experimental descriptive research design was used. 200 primigravida women above 37 weeks were selected. Data was collected using Modified Wijma delivery of childbirth among primigravida women. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used. Statistical analysis was undertaken using Chi-square test and Fisher exact test and data was presented according to the objectives.

Major Findings of The Research Study

There is significant association was found between fetal outcome and fear of childbirth (FOC) at P<0.0001. Also significant association was found between maternal outcome and fear of childbirth (FOC) at P<0.05. Also significant association was found between complicated labor and fear of childbirth (FOC) at P<0.0001


The analysis of collected data was done with the help of descriptive, inferential statistics, percentage, has been used for descriptive analysis. Whereas Chi square and Fisher exact is used for inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics in the form of calculation of percentage have been utilized to analyse demographic data. Chi square test and fisher exact test is used to assess the association between fear of childbirth among primigravida women with labor outcome.


Modified Wijma delivery expectancy questionnaire-(A) Can be use to assess the Fear of childbirth among primigravida women.



Fear of Childbirth, Primigravida Women and Labor Outcome.


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