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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2017, Volume : 5, Issue : 3
First page : ( 282) Last page : ( 286)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2017.00058.8

An Exploratory Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Promotion of Mental Health among Adolescents in selected School of Moga, Punjab.

Ms. Kaur Jaspreet1,*, Ms. Singhera Amarjeet Kaur2

1Nursing Tutor, S.K.S.S.CON, Sarabha, Ludhiana

2Professor and Vice-Principal, Dr. S.L.T.CON., Moga

*Corresponding Author Email: gilljaspreeto1987.jk@gmail.com

Online published on 18 September, 2017.


Background of the study

The mental health of adolescents is affected by a variety of environmental factors, including family environment, school, social and economic status, as well as poverty and deprivation. The mental health of adolescents is a crucial issue, as it has an impact not only on the health but also for them in their future adult years. In addition to the distress they cause, they can also be very costly not only to families, but also to the community and the health and social systems as a whole. Thus the main research study is to assess the knowledge regarding promotion of mental health among adolescents in selected school.


  1. To assess the level of knowledge regarding the promotion of mental health among adolescents.

  2. To find out the association between knowledge and selected demographic variables such as age, gender, educational status, mother educational status, father educational status, family monthly income, religion, type of family, source of information, residential area.

  3. To develop an information booklet on promotion of mental health.


An non experimental exploratory research design was adopted to carry out the present study. Systematic randomization sampling technique was used to select 100 adolescents. Data was collected by using self structured questionnaire to assess the knowledge regarding promotion of mental health among adolescents. The analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics.


Findings of present study revealed that60% of adolescents had average knowledge as followed by 30% had below average knowledge and on1y 10% of adolescents had good knowledge regarding promotion of mental health.

In this study age, gender, father educational status had significant impact on knowledge of adolescents regarding promotion of mental health.



Assess, knowledge, promotion, mental health, adolescents, information booklet.


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