Knowledge regarding prevention and First Aid for burns among parents of under five children Ms. Sao Kamini P.* Lecturer, Kasturba Nursing College, Sevagram, Wardha *Corresponding Author Email:
Online published on 18 September, 2017. Abstract Background Burn injuries are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children. In India, the figure constitutes about one-fourth of the total burn accidents. The management of paediatrics burns can be a major challenge for the treating unit. Objectives To assess the knowledge of parents regarding prevention and first aid for burns. To correlate knowledge level with demographic profile. Material and method Tool-Structured knowledge questionnaire. Design-Non experimental Descriptive study. Sample size-60. Sample-parents of under five children. Setting of the Study-Selected rural areas of Wardha district. Sampling technique-Non probability convenience sampling. Results The study shows that 8(13.33%) had poor level of knowledge, 36 (60%) had average level of knowledge, 16(26.66%) had good level of knowledge and 0% of parents had excellent level of knowledge. The minimum score was 3 and the maximum score was 15. Conclusion The study findings revealed that the majority of the parents have average knowledge regarding prevention and first aid for burns. And nurses have to play important role to motivate the parents to improve their knowledge regarding prevention and first aid for burn. Nurses have to educate parents through health education programmes and handouts etc. Top Keywords Parents, under five children, Burn, Prevention, First aid. Top |