Effect of Structured Teaching Programme on Enhancement of Self-Esteem among the Patients Suffering from HIV/AIDS Infection in selected Hospitals of Metropolitan City. Ms. Koparkar Priyanka P.* M. Sc. Nursing (Mental Health Nursing) Institute of Nursing Education, Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals, Mumbai *Corresponding Author Email: ppkoparkar@gmail.com
Online published on 23 June, 2017. Abstract AIDS is a fatal illness and the psychological problems that confront the person with HIV disease can be overwhelming. Self esteem is a essential ingredient in creating and maintaining hope, health and a quality life with HIV/AIDS. Many people living with HIV/AIDS have problem with Self esteem. A study was conducted to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on enhancement of self-esteem among the patients suffering from HIV/AIDS infection in selected hospitals of metropolitan city with the objectives to assess the level of self esteem, to evaluate the effect of structure teaching programme and to determine the association between level of self esteem with selected demographical variable. Quantitative research approach and Pre Experimental one group pre test and post test design was used. 50 subjects were selected by non probability convenient sampling technique. Structured rating scale based on Rosenberg self esteem scale was used. A teaching plan was developed for the structured teaching programme. Study findings revealed that structured teaching programme was effective for enhancement of self esteem among subjects suffering from HIV/AIDS. There was significant association between pre test self esteem score with treatment and post test self esteem score with education. Top Keywords HIV, AIDS, Self esteem. Top | |
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