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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2017, Volume : 5, Issue : 1
First page : ( 72) Last page : ( 76)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2017.00016.3

Psychological, Social and Academicals Impact of Mobile Phones among Adolescents

Mrs. Sivadas Syamly*, Mr. Manoj M.G.1

1Medical Surgical Nursing, Wolllega University, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author Email: syamlydas@gmail.com

Online published on 26 April, 2017.



Mobile phone became more and more a necessary tool in our daily life. Many surveys have shown for instance, on an average that adolescents and young adults spend more than an hour on the mobile phone every day. It will indirectly harm them in all the aspects include, psychological, social and academicals. Therefore, the investigator felt the need to assess the knowledge on psychological, social and academicals impact of mobile phone among adolescents in selected nursing college at Udupi district of Karnataka state


The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge on impact of mobile phones on adolescents in selected nursing college by structured knowledge questionnaire, find the association between knowledge regarding mobile phone impact and selected variables of the study.


The study was aimed to assess the knowledge of nursing students regarding impact of mobile phones. The study has adopted descriptive research design and consists of 50 nursing students from both Basic Bsc. Nursing and Diploma in Nursing of selected nursing college at Udupi district, Karnataka state. Non probability purposive sampling technique was used for this study. The content validity of the tool was established by giving to experts. The reliability of the tool was established by using split half method for the knowledge questionnaire. And the value was based on pilot study; the feasibility was assessed and planned for data analysis was finalized.

Results and conclusion

The major findings of the study were, majority of the sample (88%) belonged to 18–19 years, majority of samples (90%) are females, majority of samples (60%) are studying in Bsc Nursing, majority of the samples (64%) belongs to rural area, majority of the samples (80%) belonged to Christian religion, majority of the samples (68%) belonged to nuclear family, most of the samples (62%) got information from television/internet. Area wise knowledge shows that 59.5% of the adolescents have more knowledge with mean score of (2.38+0.935) about social impact f mobile phones and 31% mean score (1.24+0.970) have knowledge on psychological impact and only 24% adolescents with the mean scores of (0.48+0.538) have academic impact of mobile phones. here was a significant association between knowledge scores and selected variables.



Assess, knowledge, Psychological, Social, Academicals, Impact of Mobile, Adolescents.


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