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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 4
First page : ( 485) Last page : ( 486)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2016.00088.0

A Study to Assess the Incidence of Post-Operative Complications among the Patients Undergone Abdominal Surgery in Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical Hospital Pimpri

Mr. Patidar Jitendra*

Lecturer, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Tal-Visnagar, Dist-Mehsana, (Gujarat)

*Corresponding Author's Email: pjitendra180@gmail.com

Online published on 12 January, 2017.



The term abdominal surgery broadly covers surgical procedures that involve opening the abdomen. Surgery of each abdominal organ is dealt with separately in connection with the description of that organ (stomach, kidney, liver, etc.) Diseases affecting the abdominal cavity are dealt with generally under their own names (e.g. appendicitis). Surgery is a stressful, complex event. Today as a result of advances in surgical techniques and instrumentation as well as in anesthesia, many surgical procedures that were once performed in an inpatient setting now takes place in an ambulatory or outpatient setting. Approximately 60% of elective surgeries are now performed in an ambulatory or outpatient setting. A study was conducted in Rajarajeshwari medical college hospital Bangalore This study aimed to determine the incidence of surgical site infection (SSI) in the abdominal surgeries and to identify risk factors associated with the development of SSI. All surgeries (1000 cases) where abdominal wall was opened were considered for the study. It was seen that overall surgical wound infection rate was 13.7%. The infection rate was more with emergency surgery (25.2%) when compared to elective surgery (7.6%). The surgical site infection rate increased as the risk index score increased from 0 to 3. SSI was more with early operative and post operative prophylaxis1

Aims and Objectives

To assess the incidence of post-operative complications among the patients undergone abdominal surgery. To correlate complications with demographic variable.

Material and Methods

Data was collected from 100 patients with questionnaire and observation checklist to evaluate the post operative complications. Assessment done from 0day, 3day, 7day and follow up to observe post operative complications.


None of them had any post-operative DVT complication till day 7. On follow up, 14% of them had unilateral pitting edema. On day 0, 4% of them had adventitious breath sounds then it came down to 1% on day7 and remained same for follow up. On day 0, 8% of them had Sputum production, 2% of them, had Sputum production in follow up visit. 1% of them had abnormal respiratory rate on day3. 1% of them needed breathing efforts on day 0 and follow up visit. 1% of them had abnormal o2 saturation on day 0. 26% of them had swelling at the site of incision on day0, 14% of them had it on day3, and 4% on day7. 1% of them had necrotic tissue at wound on day 3 and day 7. 3% of them had Exudates/Discharge from wound on day 3 and 5% of them had it on day7. 6% of them had abnormal skin color surrounding the wound on day 0, 1% on day of follow up.2% of them had Gaping in wound on day 3. 39% of them had Elevated body Temperature on day 0, 2% of them had Elevated body Temperature on day 7. 4% of them had Pain at the incision site on follow up day.


It can concluded that, none of them were any post-operative DVT complications till 7th day, in follow up visit, 17% of them had mild signs of DVT complications. Mild signs of respiratory complications, mild signs of wound complications selected, none of the patient were signs of complications of incisional hernia till day 7. In follow up visit, 4% of them were mild signs of complications of incisional hernia. Selected post operative complications among the patients following abdominal surgery.


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