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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2015, Volume : 3, Issue : 3
First page : ( 294) Last page : ( 298)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2015.00011.3

A study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Sexual Abuse among Adolescent Girls in selected High Schools at Mysuru

Ms. Anusha U.K.1, Mrs. Saraswathi K.N.2,*, Mrs. Nair Nisha. P.2, Prof. Williams Sheela3

1II year M. Sc Nursing, JSS College of Nursing, Mysore

2Assistant Professor, JSS College of Nursing, Mysore

3Principal, JSS College of Nursing, Mysore

*Corresponding Author Email: saraswathimysores803@gmail.com

Online published on 30 October, 2015.



Adolescence is the period from the onset of puberty in preteen years until adulthood. Adolescents are less able than adults to manage their emotions, use good judgement, and engage in thoughtful decisionmaking. Sexual abuse also referred to as molestation, is the forcing of undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another. The best way to protect children and teens from being victims of sexual abuse is to help them understand and be aware of the issues of sexual abuse.


This study was aimed to assess the knowledge regarding sexual abuse among adolescent girls in selected High schools at Mysuru. and to find the association between the level of knowledge regarding sexual abuse among adolescent girls and their selected personal variables.


A descriptive study was conducted among 100 adolescent girls in selected high schools. Samples were selected by using simple random sampling method. Data was collected by administering personal proforma and self administered structured knowledge questionnaire which consists of 30 items.


Out of 100 samples, 62% of adolescent girls had average knowledge, 27% of adolescent girls had good knowledge and 11% of adolescent girls had poor knowledge regarding sexual abuse. It was found that there is a significant association between level of knowledge regarding sexual abuse and variable like source of information on sexual abuse among adolescent girls.


The study result concluded that majority 62% of adolescent girls had average knowledge, 27% had good knowledge and 11% had poor knowledge regarding sexual abuse. This emphasises the investigator to implement measures for the prevention of sexual abuse in future.



Adolescent girls, knowledge and sexual abuse.


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