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International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2015, Volume : 3, Issue : 3
First page : ( 263) Last page : ( 268)
Print ISSN : 2347-8640. Online ISSN : 2454-2660.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-2660.2015.00005.8

Electrical Changes in the Heart-Roots far away from the Pump

Jose Jomin*

M. Sc. Nurse, Medical and Surgical from Kerala University of Health Science, Thrissur

*Corresponding Author Email: jominjomon@gmail.com

Online published on 30 October, 2015.


People usually possess a misunderstanding that ECG is getting changed with cardiac conditions only. But there are certain other conditions which have effect on the cardiac conduction that will be present on the electrocardiogram. The main conditions are glandular abnormalities, electrolyte disturbance and some neuronal problems. Hormonal problems are mainly due to excess or decreased production of thyroid and parathyroid hormones. The parathyroid hormone has an effect on the calcium level in the human body. Electrolyte difference creates clearly identifiable changes in the ECG. The main electrolytes in the body are calcium, potassium and magnesium. The rise or fall from the normal level in each of the electrolyte demonstrates its identical representation the electrocardiogram in response to each. The changes in waveforms in hypo and hyper calcaemia are same in hypo and hyper-parathyroidism. Vascular accident in the brain can cause arrhythmias in the heart rhythm which is more with the cerebral hemorrhage than with thrombosis. The neuromuscular disorders leads to cardiomyopathy and associated cardiac changes.. In case of hypo and hyper-magnesemia also the ECG depicts the same changes in the variations of potassium level in an individual. Hence the ECG alone cannot be a diagnostic tool in any of the following clinical conditions, along with the ECG blood test and other tests test should be used to finalize the diagnosis.



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