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International Journal of Nursing Care
Year : 2013, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 64) Last page : ( 67)
Print ISSN : 2320-8643. Online ISSN : 2320-8651.
Article DOI : 10.5958/j.2320-8651.1.1.014

Communication Pattern, Attitude Towards Importance of Communication and Factors Affecting Communication among Nursing Graduates Working in Cardiac Units

D'souza Gishel Nisha1, Devi Elsa Sanatombi2, Sheilini Melita3

1M.Sc 2nd year, MCON, Manipal University, Manipal

2Associate Professor, MCON, Manipal University, Manipal

3Asst. Professor, MCON, Manipal University, Manipal

Online published on 3 April, 2013.


The descriptive study on communication pattern, attitude towards importance of communication and factors affecting communication of 110 undergraduate nursing students using concealed method of observation revealed that 46.4% of the students had moderate communication pattern and 60% had favorable attitude towards importance of communication. Data showed that 85.5% of the students could not communicate well to their patients when they were not well themselves. Interestingly 77.3% of the local students communicated better as they knew the language fluently and 74.5% of them hesitated to talk to their patients in the presence of physician or other health team member at patient's bed side and 69.1% of the students opined that good communication depends on their mood. They also feel that presence of a nurse clinical supervisor hinders their free flow of communication to their patients out of fear. Hence boosting self esteem, confidence and attitude to learn the local language of the nursing students can improve their communication skills for better patient care.



Communication Pattern, Medication Procedure, Factors Affecting Communication, Nursing Students, Attitude Towards Communication.


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