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Indian Journal of Nematology
Year : 2007, Volume : 37, Issue : 1
First page : ( 41) Last page : ( 49)
Print ISSN : 0303-6960.

Intra-specific variations in Rotylenchulus reniformis linford and oliveira, 1940 from Eastern India

Ghosh S., Khan M.R.*

Department of Agricultural Entomology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani, Nadia-741 235, India.

*E-mail: mrkhanbckv@rediffmail.com

Accepted:  April,  2007.


Morphometrics and morphology of different life stages of Rotylenchulus reniformis populations from West Bengal, Orissa and Nagaland were studied. Considerable variability in different taxonomic characters of five natural populations was recorded. Evaluation of characters showed that stylet length was found to be stable character for the species as low CV value was recorded for all the life stages of R. reniformis. Besides stylet length, V%, position of median bulb and excretory pore, body width and head width exhibited least variability (CV<6) in immature female, while ratio a, b, m% and body length were found to be moderately variable characters (CV 6–8). In male, stylet length, median bulb position, m% and head width showed a low degree of variability, whereas DGO, excretory pore position, anal body width, spicule length, a and T% were rated as moderately variable characters. The second stage juveniles of R. reniformis exhibited least variations in stylet length, m% and median bulb position. The mature female also showed wide variations in their body shape and size in all the populations. However, the Orissa populations showed lowest mean value in body length, body width, anal body width, a, and V%. Tail length, tail shape and hyaline portion in tail in immature female, female, male and juveniles exhibited wide variations. These variations in R. reniformis may be considered as intra-specific.


Key words

Rotylenchulus reniformis, morphological variations, morphometrics, Eastern India populations.


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