Role of plant parasitic nematodes in the slow wilt disease complex of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in Kerala Ramana K.V., Mohandas C., Balakrishnan R.* National Research Centre for Spices, Calicut-673 012, Kerala, India. Contribution No. 67 of National Research Centre for Spices, Calicut-673 012, Kerala. * Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Rajendcanagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra Pradesh. Abstract High populations of Radopholus similis occurred more frequently in disease affected vines (4 out of 5) than in healthy vines (1 out of 5). High populations of Meloidogyne incognita and Trophotylenchulus piperis occurred in equal frequency in healthy and diseased vines. Further, the discriminant analysis indicated that presence of R. similis alone can influence overall differences between healthy and diseased state of the vines. The results clearly indicated that R. similis plays a major role in causing slow wilt disease in black pepper. Top Key words Black pepper, Piper nigrum. Top | |
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