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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2006, Volume-8, Issue-2 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448

Table of contents

Spermatozoa in vaginal swabs
Kh. Pradipkumar Singh, Th. Bidhumukhi Devi, A. Momomchand

Delayed death due to flash burns by bomb explosion
H.A. M Mahinda

Medico legal study of drowning cases in Goa medical college hospital, Bambolim, Goa
E.J. Rodrigues

Effect of DNA sample collection, storage and transport on DNA fingerprinting: An overview
P. Pramanik, S.K. Sharma G.A., O.P. Murty

Study of vitreous potassium for the estimation of time since death
Fremingston K. Marak, Mima Maychet B. angma, Th. Bijoy Singh, W. Gyaneshwar Singh, L. Fimate

Female victims of violent crimes and abuses: An overall view of Indian scenario
T. Millo, O.P. Murty

Superior mesenteric artery aneurysm rupture in duodenum - A case report
H.A.M. Mahinda, O.P. Murty, Iyengar K.R., Mohammad Jaweed

Gas chromatography and its forensic applications - A review
A.K. Jaiswal, T. Millo, M. Gupta

Fatal acute heart failure secondary to pheochromocytoma: A sudden death case report
Shahrom A.W., Razana M.A., Siti Aishah M.A., Zarida H.


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