International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2005, Volume-7, Issue-2 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448 Table of contents Tattoo marks E. J. Rodrigues, A. V. Fernandes, S. S. Benaulikar, G. S. Kamat, M. Kantak Study of Homicidal deaths at University Malaya Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur O.P. Murty, Khaw Soon Keong, Mohd Firdaus bin Ghazali, Che Julisa binti Che Rani, Sunita binti Suhimi, Nur Azziyati binti Mohd Sahar The mystery behind the death of a bride R.S. Verma, R.M. Tripathi, A.K. Dalela Trends of poisoning in the Kasturba Hospital, MGIMS, Sevagram Chaudhary B.L., Singh Deepak, Tirpude B.H. Victimiologic study of male suicide Sachidananda Mohanty, Geeta Sahu, Manju Patnaik, Jyotin Kumar Dash Retrospective study of unnatural causes of death in medicolegal autopsies at UMMC in ten years of duration (1995–2004) O.P. Murty, Fathi Laila Amir, Lindy Bak Li Mei, Nadia Abdul Bari, Ong Kouk Yong, Zamrina Ahmat Book Review Book review Peter Tugwell Top |