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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2004, Volume-7, Issue-1 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448

Table of contents

Supreme court judgement on medical negligence: Scenario before and after
O.P. Murty

Multiple means of suicide by an individual: A case report
A. Rudra, R. Rautji, D.N. Bhardwaj, O.P. Murty, T.D. Dogra

Mordhan flour outbreaks morbidity-pani religious community
V.K. Sharma, D.K. Satpathy

Diabetic ketoacidosis – An atypical presentation with olanzapine toxicity
Rahat Kumar, Narinder Singh, Baljit Singh

Organ trasplantation law of Libya: Scope and Limitation
B.L. Bhootra

Do fatal snakebites occur more during a full Moon? An observational analysis
Anil K. Batra, Ajay N. Keoliya

Snakes-identification and medxcolegal aspect
Ravi Rautji, A Rudra, C Behera, O P Murty

Phenol free organic solvent extraction method for isolation of genomic DNA from blood stains
Abhishek Gupta, R.K. Garg, Arvinder Singh, Praveen P. Balgir

Assessment of attitudes of undergraduate medical students to autopsy demonstrations
Anil Kohli, N. K. Aggarwal

Study of histopathological findings of neck structures in asphyxial deaths of hanging and ligature strangulation
SK Sharma, OP Murty, TD Dogra, MK Sharma


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