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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2001, Volume-4, Issue-1 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448

Table of contents

Intensive adverse drug reaction monitoring in various speciality clinics of a Teriary Care Hospital in North India
R. Doomra, S.K. Gupta

Determination of age from the metamorphosis at costochondral junction of right fourth rib in North-west Indian females of Chandigarh zone
Dalbir Singh, Chandra Parkash, Seema Tyagi, Avadh Naresh Pandey

Determination of time since death from vitreous potassium concentration in subjects of Chandigarh zone of North-west India
Dalbir Singh, Rajinder Prashad, Chandra Parkash, Yogender S. Bansal, Suresh Kumar Sharma, Avadh Naresh Pandey

Medical records – A vital link in doctor-patient relationship
Surekha Dabla, Vijay Pal, D.R. Yadav

Pattern of chest injuries in fatal vehicular accidents in Central Delhi
Yogender S Bansal, P.C. Dikshit

Nullity and dissolution of marriage and its medicolegal aspects
Virendra Kumar, (Mrs) Vrinda

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