International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2001, Volume-3, Issue-2 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448 Table of contents Detection of ABH substances from saliva stained on different materials A. Momonchand, R. K. Yaibee Forensic photography O.P. Murty Health care providers and professional hazards Hem Chandra, Shakti Gupta Oxidative damage to the lipids and proteins of the lungs of rats upon acute exposure to carbon tetrachloride vapours Premila Abraham, G. Wilfred Sharp force fatalities – 3 years review A.K. Agnihotri, Choudhury, Tabin Millo, O.P. Murty The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) act, 1971: Some suggestions B.D. Gupta, Maya B. Gupta A study of suicides in Manipur L. Fimate, Th. Meera A study of incidence of suicide during different phases of menstrual cycle T.N. Chandrashekhar Book Reviews Modern medical toxicology Veterinary toxicology News Honour/Achievement/Award Top |
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