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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year : 2023, Volume : 26, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 214) Last page : ( 217)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448. Online ISSN : 0974-4614.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-4614.2023.00035.9

Correlation of dermatoglyphics to psychological abnormalities with morphological characteristics

Astha1, Vaishali2, Babu G. Rajesh3,*

1Student, School of Forensic Science, National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar

2Ph.D. Research Scholar and TRA, School of Forensic Science, National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar

3Associate Professor, School of Forensic Science, National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar

*Corresponding Author, Dr Rajesh Babu, Associate Professor, School of Forensic Science, National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar

Online Published on 28 July, 2023.


Fingerprint being a vital evidence plays an important role in identifying a criminal, because of its unique, permanence and inevitable nature. We acquire a variety of chance print on crime scene such as latent, patent and plastic that is 3 dimensional. It is not necessary that we get a whole fingerprint on scene of occurrence. The amount of fingerprint usually present is 5-10 %, and that too it may or may not be clear.2 According to many researchers, along with the ridge characteristics, pores are also unique and individual to a person. If we talk about procedure of sweat secretion in our body, our body in condition like physical heat or psychological stress and anxiety reacts in fight or flight manner, resulting excessive sweating in feet and palmer areas. The main idea of this study is to found out any correlation in the ridge as well as pores dimensions while doing an activity which causes stress or anxiety. Different instruments like digital microscope and Stereo microscope have been used for analysis purpose. In this project a total of 800 fingerprints were studied. After analyzing all the fingerprint it was seen that there is change in the pore and ridge dimension in different psychological condition. It can be concluded that there is significant deviation in both the case that is normal vs. stressed and normal vs. anxiety. Pore and Ridge dimension increases in anxiety and stressed condition as compared to normal state.



Forensic science, Fingerprint, Poroscopy, Ridge Thickness, Pore Dimension.


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