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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2020, Volume-23, Issue-3and4 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448
Online ISSN : 0974-4614

Table of contents

Zebrafish parkinson's model: The effects of tocotrienol rich fraction towards rotenone induced zebrafish
Muhammad Danial Bin Che Ramli, Nur Hazirah Binti Hashim, Mahathir Bin Mohd Uzid, Anita Zara Weinheimeri

A case of pericoronitis in 34-year-old female
K. Tiwari, K. G. Banerjee

Overview of the patient autonomy related issues challenging the healthcare providers during pandemic management; A study evoked during COVID-19 pandemic
Iman Jazmina Jamal, Devandran Pakianathan, Muhammad Imran Peer Mohamed, Siti Nur Tahirah Sere Mohammad, and Sohayla M. Attalla

Clinical characteristics of patients with COVID-19 in asian countries
Nur Khairiah Binti Mohammad Kamel, Nurul Darleena Binti Norshaidi, A. Kuhapiriyan, L K Nadarajan, Nur Batrisyia Husna Binti Zainurin, Salha Pentawinata Hamid, Hanis Saadah Binti Husin, Sohayla M. Attalla

Development and evaluation of halal herbal capsule containing momordica charantia extract
Nor Syahirah Binti Shukri, Mohammed Kaleemullah, Jiyauddin Khan, Samer Al-Dhalli, Sakina Ruhi, Mohamed Rasny, Shariq Baber, Santosh Fattepur, Kiran P. Niluga, Chean Hui Ng, O. E. Gamal, Ibrahim Abdullah

Overview of the mitigation strategies for COVID-19 pandemic
Hassan Ads, Nihal A. Hanafy, Saw Aung, Laith Nafaa Al-Saigh, Kavitha Ashok Kumar, Sohayla M. Attalla

Antagonistic activity and molecular characterization of endophytic biocontrol agent Trichoderma harzianum fungal strains isolated from medicinal plant Terminalia catappa L. in West Malaysia
Kartikeya Tiwari, Nur Aisyahtu, Fateha BT. Mohd. Razip

Case study of wildlife forensic via an integrated bioinformatics software, geneious
S. Venkataramanan, Danniya M. Lakshmi, Zainah Abdul Sattar, Nur Afiqah Zainalabidin, Nur Azznira Azman

Study on fingerprint patterns relating sex and blood group among hokkien ethnics - A pilot study in Malaysia
Nataraia T. Moorthv, . Yap Ee Kei

Case study identification of population and age prediction in forensic
S. Venkataramanan, S. Devindren, L. Dhivashini, Jia W. Jin, Johan Ahmad K. B. Taqiyuddin

Gender variation from footprint ridge density among lun bawangs of malaysian borneo for crime scene application
Nataraja T. Moorthy, M.A.K. Hairunnisa

Antioxidant activities of barringtonia racemosaleaf extract against acute morphine dependence rat model
Shariff Halim, Thur Sina, P.M Ridzuan, Deborah Anna, Sarah Abdullah, Nor Amira Jasmi

The relationship between caffeinated coffee intake and ocular parameters among young adults
Wan Noor Ain Ashura Aluwi, Baqiatul Sabiqi, Assfi Rahmat, Nor Azeera Mohd Ali

Novel potential Centella asiatica extract in ameliorating neurotoxicity induced oxidative stress in chronic morphine dependant rat model
Shariff Halim, Nor Amira Jasmi, P.M Ridzuan, Deborah Anna, Sarah Abdullah, Thur Sina

A systematic review: Efficacy of flavonoids against flavivirus
Umairah Natasya Mohd Omeershffudin, Nurul Azira Ismail

Antibacterial activities of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) rind and seed extracts against selected gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
Mustafa Fadil Mohammed, Hemah Banu Kannan, Mohammed Abdalqader, Mohanad Rahman Alwan, Mohammed Abdelfatah Alhoot, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi

A bioinformatic specific platform towards precise estimate of eye colour forensic intelligence using hirisplex
S. Venkataramanan, Sarmilah Mathavan, Tamilambikai Parandaman

Knowledge of pneumonia among nursing staff in mosul Hospitals, Iraq
Ismail I. Daood, Radhwan Hussein Ibrahim, Ahmed Ali Hussein, Norashikin Norsamsi, Nurzafirah Mazlan

A suicide case with a homicidal simulation - Case report of a real fabricated crime scene
Nataraia T. Moorthv

A review: Update on vertical transmission of HIV
Shariff Halim, Hamid Huda, Mohamed Luqman, Chee Weng Yan, Sabri Fatin

Perspective of patients on quality of healthcare in private general practice in Selangor
Kavitha Ashok Kumar, Suhailah Sulaimi, Julie Binti Mohamed, Sohayla M. Attalla, Mahfuza Aktar, Ashok Kumar Jeppu

Stature determination from two-dimensional foot impression anthropometry among kadazan dusuns of East Malaysia
Natraja T. Moorthy, R.S. Jessica

Enhancement methods on various surfaces of latent fingerprints produced from artificial fingerprints
Christiana C. Y. Khiing, Anita Zara Weinheimer

Effect of Trigonella foenum graecum extract on the antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation in induced diabetic rats
Mohanad Rahman Alwan, Mangalaroopini R. Mustafa, Fadil Mohammed, Karim Al-Jashamy

Analysis and structure prediction of Toxoplasma gondii microneme protein 3
Rosida Abdullah, Aishah Sakinah Zahid, Venkataramanan Swaminathan, Zulhabri Othman

Computational drug target and toxicity analysis among hypothetical proteins of mycobacterium tuberculosis H37RV strain
Suresh Kumar, >Mariam-FatimaAisha

Sexual and racial facial biometric characteristics of malaysian adult population in relation to the body mass index
Sohayla M. Attalla, Razinah Bt. Abdul Manaff

Screening of antioxidant and antibacterial activity of methanolic extract of Ipomoea aquatica leaf and stem against bacteria causes skin infection
Anchaya Eh Wan, Muhammad Shariq Baber Khan, Brian Sheng Xian Teo, Jiyauddin Khan, Ibrahim Abdullah, Mohammed Kaleemullah, Fadli Asmani, Maliya Suofeiya, Samer Al-Dhalli, Zainun Kasim, Santosh Fattepur, M.R.M Rasny

Profile of coup and contre-coup damages in head injury: An autopsy based study
Hitesh Chawla, Rajeev Kumar, Ashish Tyagi

Analysis of unburnt smokeless powder particles present around gunshot holes in clothes for various organic additives in estimation of range of firing using gas chromatography -Mass spectroscopy
Puneet Puri, Neha Tomar, R. K. Sarin, S. K. Shukla

Crime investigating firearms: Need for cooperation between various agencies for successful prosecution
Puneet Puri, S. K. Shukla, R. K. Sarin, Vaishali, Amrita Das, Neha Tomar

Estimation of post-mortem interval by evaluating autolytic changes in morphology of different white blood cells
Ashish Tyagi, Shilpa Garg, Hitesh Chawla

A cross sectional study of dermatoglyphic patterns among type 2 diabetic patients and non-diabetics in Chennai
T. Sudharson, S. K. Karthikean, M. B. Singh, R. Rajkamal, C. S. Brethis

Correlation between stature and arm span: A prospective regional study in South Gujarat
Akshay Chaudhari, Paresh Chandegara, Milind Patel, Ganesh Govekar, Umang Patel

Methodology of skeletal age estimation and sex determination with ossification centers of the sternum: An exploratory study
Vaishnavi Chaturvedi, Leena Kumari, Nitish Virmani, Rakesh Dube, Vijay Kumar, Anupuma Raina

Incidence of vertebral artery injury in fatal non-penetrative cervical spine trauma
T. Ezhil Kothai, A. Santhish

Evaluation of y-str specific quantitative pcr after sex mismatch hsct
Ajay Parkash, Uma Kanga, Prateek Pandya, Vivek Kumar, Sanjeev Lalwani, Anupuma Raina

An experimental investigation of gunshot residue (GSR) evidence: Directly from targeted fabric using sem
Vijay Raj Anand, N. P. Waghmare, Monika Joshi, Neelesh Tiwari

Profile of medicolegal autopsy cases perforemed at mortury of civii hospital and B. J. medical college in Ahmdabad, Gujarat
S. Prabhakaran, Bodh Deki Palmo, Vaghela Raghurajsinh Dhirubhai

Methodology and analytical techniques for detection of gunshot residue(GSR) to solve the felonies of crime scene: A comparative study in forensic applications
Shivani Yadav, Leena Kumari, Ravinder Chauhan, Y K Awasthi, Ruchita Pal

Patterns of unrecorded/illicit liquor cases from southern Himachal Pradesh: A retrospective evaluation
Diksha Thakur, Saurabh Bhargava, Arun Sharma, Rajvinder Singh

Characterization of gunpowder component by using analytical chemistry techniques from different ammunition types
Huda Kadhim Mohammed, Ahmed Jassim Muklive, Dheaa Shamikh Zageer

Prediction of height using arm span and ulna length among malaysian adolescents
Navajyothi Dalayi, Zhi Xuan Lim

Toxic effects of bisphenol-A
Swathika Praveen, A R Arjun, Sabina Evan Prince

Medico-legal approach in elderly abuse and neglect
Chauhan Mohit, Dasari Harish

Developing a measure for evaluation of ethical perceptions of dental practitioners in India
Rajat Gera, Sanjeev Mittal

Retrospective study of patterns of injuries and permanent infirmity in road traffic accidents between 2010- 2014 in Egypt
Amr R. Zaki, Sherein S. ghaleb, Ghada, Mustafa El-Galad, George M. Farag

Sex determination from hand dimensions and digital distal phalanx measurements to the iraqi population residing in Baghdad
Falah S. Al-Fartusie, Mohammed Majid, Dheaa Sh. Zageer


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