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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2018, Volume-21, Issue-1and2 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448
Online ISSN : 0974-4614

Table of contents

Original Research Papers

Determination of age of skin wound by measuring collagen type I and III using picrosirius polarization method
A.R. Zubair, A.W. Shahrom, M. Swarhib, A. Nurliza

Study of “informed written consent” in medical practice
Dipak Vora, Rakeshkumar Mori, Dharmesh S Patel, Sadikhusen Momin, Jigesh V Shah, Kalpesh Shah

Occurrence of coronary artery atherosclerosis in different age groups-An autopsy based study
D. Ganesh Rajahan, P. Sampath Kumar, J. Thanka

Centre in central India: Four years study
Ninad Nagrale, Toshal Wankhade, Karan Jain

Seasonal variation of suicide: A brief review
Nishith K. Chaudhari, Harish T. Khubchandani, Rakesh Padmraj, Dipak Vora, Sandip Raloti, Kalpesh Patani, Tikendra Dewangan

Lunar phases and suicide-A prospective study
Nishith K. Chaudhari, Rakesh Mori, Surbhee Garg, Vanraj Rathwa, Jigesh Shah

Prevalence and pattern of substance abuse among patients presenting to De-Addiction centres: A study from central India.
Ninad Nagrale, Toshal Wankhade, Karan Jain

Prostate-Specific antigen (PSA) an indication of potential biomarkers: A retrospective study with review of literature
Dharambeer Singh Mahor, Anju Mahor, Mayadhar Barik

A profile study of suicidal death in b j medical college, Ahmedabad-A reality check
Kunjan Modi, Dipak Vora, Kalpesh Shah, R. N. Tandon

Trends of acute poisoning in tertiary care hospital: A retrospective study
R. Ravi Kumar, G. Yogesh

Study of early postmortem changes in lips for estimation of postmortem interval at Pims Loni
Ulhas Gonnade, Kalidas D Chavan

Head space gas Chromatoghic-Mass spectrometric analysis of commericially available nail polish removers and health hazards
Madhusree Nag, Kavita Goyal, S. K. Shukla

Comparison study of finger prints pattern in some egyptians and libyan people
Fathi Mohamed Elatrash, Ghada Mostafa Abdelazeem, Sherien Salah Ghaleb, Mohamed Gomaa Makhloph


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