International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2018, Volume-21, Issue-1and2 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448
Online ISSN : 0974-4614 Table of contents Original Research Papers Determination of age of skin wound by measuring collagen type I and III using picrosirius polarization method A.R. Zubair, A.W. Shahrom, M. Swarhib, A. Nurliza DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00001.3 Study of “informed written consent” in medical practice Dipak Vora, Rakeshkumar Mori, Dharmesh S Patel, Sadikhusen Momin, Jigesh V Shah, Kalpesh Shah DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00002.5 Occurrence of coronary artery atherosclerosis in different age groups-An autopsy based study D. Ganesh Rajahan, P. Sampath Kumar, J. Thanka DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00003.7 Centre in central India: Four years study Ninad Nagrale, Toshal Wankhade, Karan Jain DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00004.9 Seasonal variation of suicide: A brief review Nishith K. Chaudhari, Harish T. Khubchandani, Rakesh Padmraj, Dipak Vora, Sandip Raloti, Kalpesh Patani, Tikendra Dewangan DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00005.0 Lunar phases and suicide-A prospective study Nishith K. Chaudhari, Rakesh Mori, Surbhee Garg, Vanraj Rathwa, Jigesh Shah DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00006.2 Prevalence and pattern of substance abuse among patients presenting to De-Addiction centres: A study from central India. Ninad Nagrale, Toshal Wankhade, Karan Jain DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00007.4 Prostate-Specific antigen (PSA) an indication of potential biomarkers: A retrospective study with review of literature Dharambeer Singh Mahor, Anju Mahor, Mayadhar Barik DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00008.6 A profile study of suicidal death in b j medical college, Ahmedabad-A reality check Kunjan Modi, Dipak Vora, Kalpesh Shah, R. N. Tandon DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00009.8 Trends of acute poisoning in tertiary care hospital: A retrospective study R. Ravi Kumar, G. Yogesh DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00010.4 Study of early postmortem changes in lips for estimation of postmortem interval at Pims Loni Ulhas Gonnade, Kalidas D Chavan DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00011.6 Head space gas Chromatoghic-Mass spectrometric analysis of commericially available nail polish removers and health hazards Madhusree Nag, Kavita Goyal, S. K. Shukla DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00012.8 Comparison study of finger prints pattern in some egyptians and libyan people Fathi Mohamed Elatrash, Ghada Mostafa Abdelazeem, Sherien Salah Ghaleb, Mohamed Gomaa Makhloph DOI:10.5958/0974-4614.2018.00013.X Top |