International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2017, Volume-20, Issue-1and2 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448
Online ISSN : 0974-4614 Table of contents Original Research Paper Trend and pattern in custodial death-a retrospective analysis Manjit Nayak, Tikendra Dewangan, Kalpesh Patani, R.N. Tandon Study of gross and histopathological findings of stomach mucosa in cases of fatal poisoning with respect to survival period and treatment status V. J. Aghera, S. D. Bhuva Suicide by men in uniform: a study in imphal TH. Meera, S. Bitam Singh, KH. Pradipkumar Singh Accuracy in medical certification of cause of death: a study in a tertiary health care centre Madhusudan R. Petkar, Ashwinikumar B. Sapate, Praveen Arora, Ajay L. Ghangale, Sandesh B. Datir Study of drunkenness cases brought for medicolegal examination at tertiary care hospital-Jamnagar, Gujarat: One year retrospective study M Trangadia Mahesh, C Kyada Hetal A study of organ weight in relation to body weight and body length in Ahmedabad Region Jiniyas A Rajvi, Mohammed Musaib M. Shaikh, Kalpesh A Shah Profile of road traffic accident (rta) cases in casualty of medical college situated in central India Toshal Wankhade, Sumeet Shende, B.H. Tirpude, Ninad Nagrale Pattern of intracranial trauma in fatal head injury cases at a rural institute Aloke Mazumder, Ninad Nagrale, P.N. Murkey, B.H. Tirpude A prospective studyon violent asphyxial deaths due to hanging Dushyant B. Barot, Keyur K. Nimavat, Pratik R. Patel, Kalpesh A. Shah Wasp sting envenomation: A case report KK Badiadka, S Amir, KL Pramod Effect of skull fracture on pre-interventional glasgow coma scale and survival period-an analysis of 211 fatal cases of traumatic head injury Vinay. R. Hallikeri, Hareesh. S. Gouda The study of cephalic index in students of Kerala K. Padmakumar Original Article Estimation of cephalic index of Madhya Pradesh population: An anthropometric study Sumeet Arvind Shende, Prasad Jaybhaye, Ashok Kumar Jain, Garima Namdev Study of co-relation between foot length, foot breadth & arm span to height J.A. Tanna, J.A. Darji Top |