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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 1999, Volume-2, Issue-1 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448

Table of contents

Estimation of postmortem production and loss of ethanol in blood with respect to its duration of storage at room temperature
R.K. Singh, Heeresh Chandra

Aluminium phosphide: Prospects and constraints
A. K. Singh, S. N. Chugh, S.C. Khanna

Artocities against women in Uttar Pradesh
A.K. Agnihotri, U.S. Sinha

Sexual identity of human hip bones from washburn Ischio-pubic index
G.K. Sharma, M. Lal, J. Gurmukhi, S. Lal

“A study of psychiatric morbidity in suicide attempters”
Anuj Mittal, Deepak Singh, Alpana Sinha

Electrifying rescue from electrocution
M.S. Vable, S.A. Sangle, R.S. Bangal

Artefacts in the estimation of carboxyhaemoglobin in burn deaths
V.K. Sharma, D.S. Badkur, D.K. Satpathy

Activity of cholinesterase in the farmers, having contact with organophosphate at Brastagi, North Sumatra, Indonesia
H. Amar Singh

Burnt wives: A sociological study
Virendra Kumar, C.B. Tripathi, Sarita Kanth

Social and medical aspect of hijacking
O. P. Murty

Physical charactersitics in assesment of viability and maturity
M. D. Karmarkar

Psychiatric and medicolegal aspects of antisocial personality disorder
Sonali Arora, M. S. Bhatia Dr., Akash Jhanjee

Book Review

Textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology
Nageshkumar G Rao Prof.


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