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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2016, Volume-19, Issue-3and4 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448
Online ISSN : 0974-4614

Table of contents

Profile study of fatal poisoning cases brought for postmortem examination at government Kilpauk Medical College
R. Selvakumar, V. Suresh Kumar

Human deaths due to chemical poisoning in Kangra (Himachal Pradesh): A five year retrospective study
V Yadav, S Bhargava, M Mahajan, A Sharma, R Singh

Pattern of intracranial trauma in fatal head injury cases at a rural institute
Aloke Mazumder, Ninad Nagrale, P.N. Murkey, B.H. Tirpude

A study of death of married women within seven years of marriage-2016
R. Selvakumar, S. Siva Kumar

Profile study of deaths due to compression of neck by ligature brought to mortuary of civil hospital, Ahmedabad
Keyur K. Nimavat, Rakesh Y. Padmraj, Kalpesh A. Shah

A prospective study on violent asphyxial deaths due to hanging
Dushyant B. Barot, Keyur K. Nimavat, Pratik R. Patel, Kalpesh A. Shah

Profile of fatal trauma in geriatric population at apex trauma centre New Delhi
Mahesh Kumar, Deepak Prakash, Abhishek Yadav, Kulbhushan Prasad

A one-year retrospective study of deaths due to hanging autopsied at government Kilpauk Medical College & hospital, Chennai
R. Selvakumar, J. S. Raghu Deepan

Recovery of surgical sponges at autopsy - Who to blame
Mukta Rani, Yashoda Rani, Rohit

Cadaveric spasm in a case of fatal accidental electrocution
Mahesh Kumar, Asit Sikari, Abhishek Yadav, Anil Kohli

Estimation of time of death from histopathology of dental pulp - An autopsy based study
R Rajesh, Priyadarshee Pradhan, P. Sampath Kumar, N. Malathi

Pattern of head injury in fatal road traffic accidents brought for autopsy at S.S.G. Hospital, Vadodara
Hardik Prajapati, Sunil Bhatt, V R Patil


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