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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2014, Volume-16, Issue-3and4 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448
Online ISSN : 0974-4614

Table of contents

Manual techniques for bite mark investigation in Indian setup
Parul Khare, Basa Shrinivas, OP Murty

Identification of zolpidem tartrate in biscuit sample by TLC and HPTLC methods
Sampada Mone, Abhay Sawant, M.K. Malve, R.R. Mavle

Psychological profiling in criminal investigation
Hema V. Acharya, J.M. Vyas

Mortality trends in a tertiary care hospital at Indore
Manish Nigam, Richa Nigam, Rajesh Chaturvedi

Causes of children death in damascus & probability of abuse or neglect
Yasser Safi Ali, Aamer Alsaraqiby

A study on the class characteristics of Gujarati, and Malayalam linguistics groups in english handwriting
Daxa J Shah, M S Dahiya

One year study of acute poisoning cases (excluding animal bites) at Civil hospital, Ahmedabad
Tejas Prajapati, Kartik Prajapati, R.N. Tandon, Saumil Merchant

Poisoning due to datura - a rare case report
Vishal V. Koulapur, Prasanna S. Jirli, Ravindra S. Honnungar, S. S. Pujar

A review of the role of medical practitioner in medical examination of victim of sexual assault in light of amended anti rape laws 2013
C.B. Dabas, Manoj K. Panigrahi

Homicidal nitrobenzene poisoning - a case report and review of literature
Mohit Gupta, Sweta Garg

Medicolegal study of hanging cases in north Goa
Vivek Rawat, E.J. Rodrigues

Determination of gender & age by clival length using CT scan
Suresh K. Sharma, Massarat Jehan, Rajendra Gupta, Akhilesh Trivedi

A method of forensic identification of lipsticks: for future database
Tejas Prajapati, Kartik Prajapati, Saumil Merchant

Trends in sexual assault cases in Delhi (A study of alleged assailants in sexual offences)
C. B Dabas

Precious life in dangerous hands
K.S. Rashmi

Detecting child abuse and neglect - are dentists fulfilling the legal and moral obligation?
Meetika Pahuja, Sumanth Prasad, Shourya Tandon, Ashutosh Wadhawan

Qualitative analysis of nicotine and NDPS drugs in Hookah bar samples of Ahmedabad
Falguni, Astha Pandey

Stability of ketamine in human biological samples: effect of temperature
Pallavi Dubey, S.K. Shukla, K.C. Gupta


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